Well, this didn’t exactly help matters either.
Well, this didn’t exactly help matters either.
I think she’s exactly figured out how to deal with Trump—by letting him sink himself. If she’s trying to look “presidential,” the last thing she would want to do is stoop to his level. Looking at the polls and press reactions, it seems to be working.
I agree with your first paragraph completely. However, I would mention that a lack of self-control/self-censorship is also a hallmark of severe narcissism, because these people have trouble with setting personal boundaries.
You’d be giving up too soon. The GOP is staring down a demographics-collapse; their “angry old Christian white” base is increasingly becoming a minority, not only because the old are dying, but because the young have increasingly different values and the racial minorities they demonize to win elections are becoming…
My answer to this is similar to that of another commenter: have very clear boundaries and expectations.
What Americans don’t understand is that even Canada and the UK aren’t fully metric, culturally-speaking. The most “metric” you’d likely have to deal with on a daily basis is temperatures in Celsius, distances measured in kilometers and groceries measured in grams instead of ounces. People still largely weigh…
The UK parliament has no such legal obligation to carry it out on the basis of an advisory referendum. They could reject it tomorrow, with the only caveat being that the voters could get the last laugh in the next election.
Just remember that the “smart money” was also convinced that Brexit would be rejected in the UK; they’re not infallible.
But also, between 2013 and now, neoliberalism has started to fall out of favor—and, for better or for worse, the Clintons are the face of American center-left neoliberalism much the same way Tony Blair is in the UK. It’s a tricky place to be in, and if it weren’t for this factor, I imagine the election wouldn’t be as…
Oh, don’t worry...the racists have that covered too--the “noble ancient Greeks” went extinct and the “inferior modern Greeks” are an entirely different race of people.
It entirely depends. If you’re okay with silly and sarcastic—more of a camp pastiche of 80s and 90s horror tropes rather than something actually scary—then it might be up your alley.
Hah...well, Elizabeth II is the technical head of state for 16 nations. I’m sure she could get a passport from all of them if she doesn’t already.
It’s understandable that Americans are hostile to the idea of a monarchy--after all, the country was founded on rejecting one. However, for countries where monarchies are not a foreign imposition, people tend to actually support them as a symbol of national pride or as a continuation of a (sometimes millennium-long…
Ehh...I wouldn’t confuse “hip and with it” with “consumerism,” so don’t worry about it.
To be fair, the GOP has been angling for a war with Iran for years. It’s not just Trump.
Oh, Ford was polarizing politically too. His conservative, suburban “Ford Nation” base loved him; the more liberal, urban core of Toronto...not so much. Fortunately, the position of the mayor is a very weak one in Toronto, as it is just one vote within a larger city council. The U.S. presidency is a much scarier place…
Oh, I definitely don’t want him to be president. Trump would carry on a very public media circus, while the GOP would legislate us all into the Dark Ages in the background while nobody is paying attention.
Having dealt with a similar narcissistic gasbags, the answer is that he doesn’t have any. It’s all about him, his fame and how he can enrich his personal brand. I presume that everything he says is insincere or an outright lie; and if he actually manages to become president, I don’t really expect the situation to…