A pathological narcissist can never be counted on to tell the truth...ever. And “projection” is their forte.
A pathological narcissist can never be counted on to tell the truth...ever. And “projection” is their forte.
At least for almond milk, it’s called the way it is, because it was used in medieval kitchens as a reliable milk substitute. In the centuries before refrigeration, cow’s milk would spoil, whereas almond milk would not (plus it was acceptable to consume for Christianity’s many mandated fasting days).
Standard legal language in journalism. If the suspect is acquitted (for whatever reason), they could come back and sue, arguing that it was claimed that they set someone on fire when a court said they did not.
Whatever larger point that Lionel Shriver had was lost, because she chose to make a circus sideshow out of it—and people are not so stupid that they can’t recognize this.
I suspect you can do any of these things, as long as the character you create is fully-fleshed out and not a two-dimensional, offensive stereotype.
I dunno...are we perhaps giving memes greater credit than what’s due? The thing is, you’re right in that we haven’t seen this level of white supremacy out in the open in a very long time, but then the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” has basically been about perpetuating white supremacy in whispers and hushed tones for the…
I believe his full name is “Lukas Graham Forchhammer,” so that would explain the band name...heh.
Why be a teacher if you hate children? I suspect teaching—like other professions that command “authority and respect”—attracts narcissists, who love the attention, but are all-around horrible people. I doubt they even realize that they hate children, since these folks have terrible self-insight.
So much trivia with so little depth... I once knew a narcissist just like this.
Honestly? It’s no secret that Gawker’s writers were reassigned—none of these writers are responsible for the site’s most infamous work anyway. It’s just the name that’s tainted. They could just as easily relaunch the site with an entirely new name and march forward, business as usual. I wouldn’t be surprised if they…
I sort of wish they had done more with the show in the last few episodes between the disappointment of “Earth” and discovering “new Earth,” instead of those usual “internal strife” episodes they had a tendency to fall back on. The last episode itself I was quite satisfied with.
Isn’t this basically the story for all dead empires? Empire grows, becomes rich and decadent (cronyism, institutional corruption, etc.), and then basically hobbles around weakly until an external force finally puts it out of its misery. It happened to the western Romans, the eastern Romans/Byzantines a millennium…
They’ve been burned by this before too. “The Last Remnant” had very noticeable fps drops on the Xbox 360 release.
It would make sense if they’re worried that owning Gawker would open them up to future lawsuits from old content.
I’m thrilled you’re still here, Ashley! Ignore the haters—just keep doing what you’ve been doing.
I say this as someone who has exercised a lot and quite successfully—it isn’t everything. You can become the person you always wanted to be in the mirror, but sometimes, mentally you still see the same “unattractive and unconfident” person you were before.
Well, which then begs the question: what’s “super-attractive”? If it were just supermodels getting laid, we’d be extinct as a species. Sure, being rich helps some incredibly “ugly” folks—and I’m talking ugly personalities here—but, really, these kinds of people are just treating each other like objects, and most of us…
My theory is that if you’ve ever been followed by one of the individual blogs or one of the sub-blogs, you’re now getting followed within the entire ecosystem.
Well, you can perhaps see how the rich and powerful would never grow out of that phase—they’re living Ayn Rand’s wet dream by virtue of being rich and powerful, thus making them some super special snowflake better than the rest of us.