
The biggest fallacy is to assume that there’s some mythic “past ideal” that we’re breaking, when the fact is that every generation has its unique challenges. The elite at the height of the Roman Empire quite similarly believed that younger generations had gone soft on “Asiatic comforts,” compared to their old

BTW, this was a joke article, so expect a lot of snarky remarks to your serious response!

Regarding game show hosts, we should remember where even they used to come from—a lot of them were originally in local news. Pat Sajak was a weatherman for KNBC in Los Angeles before becoming host of “Wheel of Fortune,” while Alex Trebek was a news/sportscaster for the CBC in Canada. Bob Barker was a radio host before

IMO, I think it could be one of those “Catholic vs. Protestant” things. The Protestant side of my family tends to have sad, somber funerals. The Catholic side tends to treat them as fun family reunions; of course, I should add, this side of the family was also second and third-generation European immigrants. So maybe

On the other hand, Kate Winslet was always hot, both then and now.

Admittedly, I’ve always hesitated to play the notoriously “difficult” games, always wondering if I’d have the patience for them; but this game was just too intriguing to pass up.

I do most of these things too (although I never smoked and don’t use a retinoid), and, yes, I’m fortunate that I look younger than I should. I will say too, though, that one’s skin type also goes a long way toward looking young, and that’s the kind of thing that’s really just determined by genetics. Oily skin, as

Well, doing some reading about him, he’s a self-professed libertarian, so I’d say it’s a combination of contrarianism and anti-social behavior.

Not to mention that this is the party that perfected the art of winning elections based on racist innuendo over a period of 40 years—have they entirely forgotten the Southern Strategy? It’s rich watching all these Republicans “suddenly” developing a conscience now that Trump is bringing all their crap out into the

Yes, they succeeded, because voter turnout plummets in non-presidential election years. 2010 was a midterm election, and, like you said, a very crucial one, because of the census and its role in redistricting. I believe redistricting should be reformed to be independent and non-political, similar to how it’s done in

What worries me is that these movements never seem to go away on their own. Historically, they only seem to go away after they’ve actually gained power, veered into totalitarianism for years (if not decades), then only after having royally destroyed everything and getting (violently) overthrown do we finally see these

My critique of this video is that there are a few more factors involved as to how to get a six-pack. Yes, diet and exercise is 90% of the equation. However, you also need to keep your insulin sensitivity and stress levels in check, because both will mean your body is going to be more inclined to hold onto

If your doctor warned you about diabetes, then I suspect you have insulin insensitivity/metabolic syndrome issues, as well, meaning your body is now inclined to build fat and store it. This kind of issue takes time to resolve, and requires both regular exercise and a good diet. You should also work to keep your stress

Well, you’ve said it yourself, though—it’s being built in Koreatown. I suspect they’re banking on Toronto’s large Asian immigrant population to patronize this restaurant primarily, since this concept is successful abroad, and I’m sure they’re hoping that good word-of-mouth will draw in others.

Your argument would possibly maybe make sense if the U.S. was overpopulated through people having too many children. Except it’s not.

Great choice...I really quite like this album! Of course, from my perspective, Brian Eno really can’t go wrong anyway.

Yeah, that reminds me a lot of attacks on Rob Ford when he was the mayor of Toronto. I mean, here’s a guy who put his foot in his mouth on a regular basis, had questionable policy positions, always embroiled in some kind of scandal—and all of this was before the crack cocaine revelation. But rather than use all these

This kind of logic reminds me of the 2004 election when people were so certain Kerry would win the presidency because “nobody they knew voted for Bush.” Likewise, the same logic happened in 2008 with Romney—”nobody they knew voted for Obama.”

I was going to say the same thing if you hadn’t done it first! I feel that Canada often suffers from a peculiar kind of myopia, since it spends so much time trying to highlight how it is “not the U.S.” and generally doesn’t handle criticism of itself all that well. As such, it’s very easy to take away the impression

Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but the answer, I believe, has more to do with the fact that humans have exceptionally strong livers compared to the rest of the animal kingdom, while having comparably weaker immune systems. Perhaps this is why certain animals can die from chocolate, despite having no trouble