
No one’s gonna pry that kerosene car from your cold, dead hands, eh grandpa?

You could have done worse, I guess.

Hah...I could see that happening too. I hope America comes to its senses soon. :/

I agree 100% that he’s a narcissist, which makes it even more unlikely, to me, that he would purposely make a fool of himself, unless he actually believed in what he was saying.

Except where I think this conspiracy breaks down is that Trump has shown that he very much cares about “brand.” Would he let his entire media empire go down in flames like this if he didn’t actually believe what he was saying?

Oh, you’re exaggerating quite a bit here. A large percentage of Canada’s population, for example, lives in Southern Ontario, and it is absolutely no different than the average climate in the U.S. Great Lakes region or even New England, on balance. Places like Minnesota and the Dakotas, on the other hand, have

There is evidence of urban sanitation sewers in the Indus Valley Civilization, stretching back about 5000 years ago, and the Islamic world did have sanitation sewers themselves in the Middle Ages, so it’s not as if this technology was completely lost.

More specifically, the period of U.S. history after Reconstruction up to WWI (~1870-1914) is very poorly taught, and it was (at least in one source I read) described as “the most boring period of American history.” I have to sigh, because 1) I don’t find it “boring” at all, and 2) this is perhaps the most pivotal

I just want to point out that both “Dead Space” and “Mass Effect Infiltrator” showed up and were available for download in my previous purchases, as of the end of November. So new purchasers are out of luck, but existing ones still seem to have it.

When I was a kid, my dad took me to a stock car race. He was working in the airline industry at the time, and there was a plane crash in Detroit while the race was going on. This was before cell phones, so track officials had to come find my dad and summon him to the airport so he could fly to Detroit to inform the

Absolutely agreed.

The difficulty is that a lot of people imagine that Catholicism is a monolith—and, certainly, the Vatican encourages that image—but it can be incredibly varied by both place and time. The “abusive” stories and the “awesome” stories are equally true, in my experience. The major problem seems to be that Catholicism does

Toronto had Rob Ford for four years. Trust gets old really quickly.

Canada (like the U.S. and the UK) goes by the “First Past the Post” electoral system, which tends to create a dominant two-party system. New Zealand, on the other hand, uses a “Mixed-Member Proportional” system, which opens the door to multiparty representation.

I’ve had three credit cards cancelled on me for lack of use, so it does happen, but I think you’re right in that you don’t need to actually carry a balance. If you use the card periodically and pay off the balance each time, I think that should be fine.

How we treat the incarcerated reflects on us, not them.

There’s a reason great writers and actors command a premium, while FX houses are treated like cattle (even if I think that ill-treatment is very wrong): it all comes down to scarcity of talent.

I sneak up on everyone, and I don’t even try!

“Vampires”? They’ll suck you dry, just as long as it means they get even richer and more powerful.

I’ll have to take a look at it. At least in terms of ball-point pens, I tend to like Pilot the best, but hadn’t really thought about them for fountain pens.

I’ll have to take a look at it. At least in terms of ball-point pens, I tend to like Pilot the best, but hadn’t