
The LAMY Safari received the most support in round one.

The LAMY Safari received the most support in round one.

Surely you’re aware that the NDP voted with the Conservatives against all amendments tabled by the Liberals? If you’re not, you should be.

Oddly enough, I never had much trouble with that one, but I’d agree it's about as sadistic.

I just want FFX cheat codes to give this minigame a gigantic “fuck you.”

Um, the US doesn’t vote for their head of state/head of government.

The U.S. system is far from perfect—gerrymandering, staggered primaries, and “first past the post” voting are truly terrible, anti-democratic structures—but parliamentary democracies can hardly claim superiority when you often can’t directly vote for your Head of State or Head of Government. They’re one in the same in

I’ve been studying some languages on my own, and I have to admit that the English diacritic jokes don’t really work as well on me either now that I often know what they really refer to. I’m not going to jump all over Kotaku here—I know it was a joke—but when I see store signs or products with faux diacritics, I admit

Establish and enforce your boundaries. If he refuses to respect them, then he won’t respect you and it’s time to kick him to the curb.

Their parents are often another story, as they say “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I think both of these cases involved a particularly nutty parent, so if they’re not likely to spot mental issues in themselves, they’re also not apt to see it in their children.

I understand what you’re saying, but what I’m saying is that increased mental health treatment, while definitely a step forward for humanity, is not likely going to do much to stop gun tragedies when the onset of particularly bad mental illnesses (such as with delusional and/or paranoid features, coupled with illness

The problem is that “mental illness” covers such a wide variety of conditions of varying severity that it’s always going to be impossible to get everyone—and even then, not everyone with these conditions are going to be inherently violent. And what do you do when “denial of illness” is a very real factor of their

I think Putin’s endgame is that he wants to be taken seriously as a superpower, just like in the old Soviet days. Meddling and creating intractable foreign conflicts are what superpowers do best, after all.

Turkey is accommodating to Russia, because Erdoğan and Putin are very close personally. Both leaders have dictatorial aspirations in otherwise “democratic” nations, although Turks likely won’t accept dictatorship as easily as Russians have, which may be why Erdoğan still strings NATO along.

But not the majority—and that was by design. France purposely put the Alawites (11% of the population) in a position of power to suppress the Sunni majority (75% of the population) back in the colonial days, ensuring that they would spend more time fighting each other than with France. While Assad might seem like “the

There was this back in the day, but your larger point still stands.

Yes...this. If they provided some kind of identity verification, this might deter some of the overt cases of fraud like the above. It still won’t help with mismanaged projects that can’t deliver, but that’s the inherent risk of investing versus a “pump-and-dump” scam like “Mansion Lord.”

Hah...he’s in Germany, and in German, “friend/boyfriend” (always male) is “Freund,” while “friend/girlfriend” (always female) is “Freundin.” There’s no automatic distinction like there is in English, so I’m guessing that’s the cause of the confusion in this case.

I imagine she once dealt with a surly employee at McDonald’s in London, who, when asked “Are cheeseburgers vegetarian?” just said “Yes,” because he or she just couldn’t care less—and this girl just never questioned that sarcastic response not even once.

Yes, traction alopecia is a potential problem for everyone, not just men!

I can only think it’s because Buddhism is “exotic” from a Western perspective. That’s not to say that I can’t find beauty in certain aspects of Buddhism—hell, I can still find beauty in certain aspects of Catholicism—but I always try to be mindful that I shouldn’t let my imagination/sense of romanticism blind me to