
Heh...Mario 64 is one of only a couple of games to give me full-blown motion sickness. It was the first 3D game I ever played, so I assumed years later that it might have been me adjusting, but then trying to play it again, I felt sick all over again! A bit frustrating... be fair, there were kids tinkering with advanced DOS functions then too. I was one of them, and I didn't have the Internet until the late 90s. As an aside, Windows 95 kind of sucked all the fun out of computers for me, and I didn't particularly enjoy them again until Windows 2000. Still, I do miss DOS from

Before you summarily dismiss my argument, learn about the Mexican economy beyond a few cursory stereotypes. The country is dominated by some highly concentrated mega-corporations that stifle competition and, with less competition, keep consumer prices higher and ensure that fewer good paying jobs exist at all.

I imagine it's becoming more competitive just as the middle class is evaporating in the U.S. Everyone wants to believe that "hard work" will give them a privileged spot in the 1%, but life isn't like the movies. The system is set up to give people vain hope so that they'll support policies that enrich the few at the

I wish these asshats would realize that poor people aren't why state and national budgets are out of whack. It's decades of corporate welfare and tax cuts, along with a long-bloated military budget. How is it that the nation's largest entities, sitting on billions and billions of dollars, only constitute 10% in tax

I was that kid in my class, although I wasn't the absolute youngest (somehow, there was a girl born in December who managed to squeeze into my grade). I can't really say where "age" ever really set me back specifically. I was smarter than all the kids, which was enough to set me apart, then I grew taller than all of

It's sad that I haven't played this game yet.

The OP could absolutely be perpetrating a hoax (these things have happened on the internet once or twice before) or he could be mentally ill (many posters have suggested PTSD or a dissociative disorder).

I hope that Nintendo's shareholders' meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company's business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.

Heh...I got impatient around the time they announced FFX/X-2 HD, and replayed XII on PS2 (it helps that the game already has widescreen options, so it wasn't so bad using the upscaler on my AV receiver). I'll be one of the first in line to buy XII in HD, but I think I'll need another 2-3 years before I can muster up

This is like every "Disqus" based comment section ever. I feel like there must be some flaw in the interface design that encourages this mess of idiotic comments...every...time.

Behold: the future of condos in Toronto in 2030. Price: $2,000,000.

This is a definite regionalism. "Kil-OM-eter" is standard American English. "Kil-o-MEET-er" is Canadian English, and I presume is also British English.

I have to wonder if this is a regionalism. I've seen quite a few people insist on "roo" (mainly here in Canada), but pretty much only heard "yoo" in the U.S.

I think it's pretty clear that the AD wanted him gone for one reason alone:

The exact same tale can be told for Metro Detroit. It was definitely the auto industry.

I'm in Toronto too, whereas I grew up accustomed to Midwestern U.S. prices, which I've discovered isn't terribly far off from rural Ontario prices. After having witnessed the real estate bubble bursting in the U.S., it kind of amazes me how Canadians are content to go through the same sense of denial.

This is part of the game: mortgage professionals tell people they should spend x amount on mortgage payments if they make x amount of money a year. They fudge numbers like these to justify how overpriced real estate has become—and people, by and large, go along with it absolutely killing themselves trying to make

Yes. I also think you nailed this part completely: