
I hear what you're saying, and I'm also aware of the trap where women aren't "allowed" to get angry. That's not right either. This is a problem that, rightfully, people should be angry about. On the other hand, when purposely angry discourse is used, should one be surprised when they get an angry response back? I

I think a lot of men probably do want to be part of the solution, but really don't know how they could contribute, especially if they legitimately don't know anyone who they think could be "the one." I also think that, somewhat regrettably, there are men who are otherwise sympathetic, but get defensive when faced

Ehhh...for me, it's because I have different priorities for my phone and my home computer. For the computer? I like maximum customization options, both with hardware and software, so PC it is. For my phone? I want something that works and will work reliably for a minimum of 2 years. My iPhone has done that (going

You know, I admit I've never really been much of a fan of naming my characters either. When you could name your characters in older "Final Fantasy" games, I always went with the default, and with the very earliest games where they made you pick a name, I hated doing it; never seemed "official" enough, I guess.

Yeah, that price bump in Canada has thoroughly pissed me off. I'm going to buy it in a sales-tax free state the next time I take a long visit to the U.S. (lest we forget the really high sales taxes in Canada to boot).

Read the article: both get arrested, both get fined $500 for fighting in public. Seems kind of shitty, considering that she clearly attacked him for no reason.

But you can't avoid both. The woman who had sex with an HIV positive man more than a year ago is allowed to donate blood under FDA rules. A woman who had sex with an HIV negative bisexual man 20 years ago, though? Banned. A heterosexual man who was sexually abused by another man as a child? Banned. At some

*snort* Have you ever seen a Tea Party rally? No party is immune to histrionics.

I prefer to look at it this way: I know I'm not old, but I guess it never occurred to me just how young all these professional athletes are. It makes sense now that I think about it, but it goes to show that all of this is really a short period in their lives. After all, they're going to get "old" too someday (with

I'm excited for this one. And if it does well, perhaps "Resident Evil" can go back to its survival horror roots (oh one can only hope...).

As an aside, it's been postulated that religiosity or a lack thereof is determined by brain chemistry. Those who are more serotonin-dominant tend to be agnostic or atheist, whereas those who are more dopamine-dominant tend to be more religious. In extremes, heavy dopamine and low serotonin can lead to auditory and

Part of the problem is skin elasticity issues. If someone has been overweight for years, the skin has been stretched out for a long time to accommodate the extra fat deposits. Once you lose all that weight, the skin is now loose and, yes, will make you look older. If you're relatively young (in your 20s and 30s)

Well, a couple of things—one, there are those who have taken issue with the idea of the "Islamic Golden Age/Islamic Art," arguing that it has less to do with "Islam" and more to do with the unique contributions of cultures like Persian, Egyptian, Moorish, Turkish, etc. In other words, there's fear that people are

You know you're getting old when you find you can't laugh at the expense of the mentally ill anymore. I wish these people could get help; they all sound schizophrenic.

It appears that FFXV will be using it to some extent.

"One Million Moms" is a fiction created by the American Family Association, a group led entirely by men and has been labelled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They are both repugnant and irrelevant.

"Liberalism" has different connotations in Europe than in the U.S., I believe. You're referring to "economic liberalism," which is a typically conservative position in the U.S., but I know other countries and political parties (the right-wing "Liberal Party" of Australia comes to mind) use the term to refer to this

The biggest flaw I see in this is that these people are not your friends. I can see how Kickstarter's success is in making people feel personally connected to these projects, but it's ultimately an illusion. The site is basically a forum for donations—hell, they don't even have to deliver what they've promised,

I'm 33 and used one until I was 10 or so. Much of this was due to a peculiar set of circumstances. The default phone line setup was rotary/pulse, and if you wanted to switch to tone on your line, it would cost you something like $7 a month—forever. My parents thought this was utterly ridiculous and never switched.

In theory, it's all about balance. Gaming time in small doses on the weekends and before bed; prioritization of real people over fake people; that sort of thing. But can you really blame Sanders for leaving JRPGs behind? Can you really not relate when she ponders, guiltily, how many foreign languages she could have