The original AMC plant was demolished about a decade or so ago. They built a new Chrysler plant to succeed it.
The original AMC plant was demolished about a decade or so ago. They built a new Chrysler plant to succeed it.
If she is like a special, optional boss or something, I'm fine with that in small doses—perhaps in five to ten years. Other than that, Lightning needs a rest.
I find that I didn't really have a problem with 13-1's characters or story. I expect a certain level of melodrama from Japanese storytelling in general, and video games alone make me lower my expectations a bit further. It may have held your hand longer than it should have, but it was an enjoyable ride for what it…
They need to do way instain mother>
I was an impeccable speller and reader at that age, and yet I remember faking at times, because I didn't want to appear that much "smarter" than my mostly semi-literate classmates. Peer pressure really quite sucks.
You're an investor. Like all investors, you should only invest if you are confident they can deliver. They might not, which means your recourse would be to sue them, except it's pretty much nonsense if you're only out a small amount. Remember that Kickstarter is not a pre-order site.
No, it's just priced higher, because "Canada."
It's probably duty as much as taxes, as the U.S. and the EU do not have a free trade agreement (yet—they are apparently in negotiations). In other words, these policies are meant to actively discourage you from buying from them. It's insane when you think about what a global world we live in today, but economic…
In my experience, you can take out "heterosexual" from that article. Gay men aren't much different in terms of having superficial friendships I've found.
I have to wonder how many of those will end up stolen.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was basically a revamp/rebrand of Sony's "Crackle" service. Incidentally, it is already available in Canada.
I lament that North America also tends to severely cap uploads, so even if you can get a 50mbps connection, you have to deal with 1-5mbps upload speeds.
I think it's less the "gold" for me, and just more the wastefulness of the whole thing that makes it tacky. If it's jewelry or an expensive Rolex? I get it, even if it's a $50,000+ item I can't afford. But a 24-carat gold game console or cell phone? Just...why? I can't help but want to ridicule anyone who would…
If I told you that there was a vitamin that you could take that was safe, inexpensive and could lower your heart attack risk, you’d buy it in a heart beat.
Blame Hollywood, I'd say. "British accent" is their all-purpose "foreign" accent for white people.
I haven't played it, but I hear that "Dragon Age: Origins" basically has the same type of gambit system.
Yeah, it never crossed my mind to kill Wrex, and I didn't. Plus, I'd been using him for most of the game and wasn't about to lose him at that point.
Undoubtedly a typo. The sheer amount of them I see in television news drives me nuts.