
Absolutely. The first season can feel kindof like something you've seen before, but it's like that first hill on the roller coaster. It gets progressively more involved and crazier as it goes on. It's a whole new show now.....very very smart, funny, emotional, engaging and even philosophical. It just keeps getting

"So here they're just part of the plan, not the saviors. I mean, I do realize that if the eagles had just been able to bring Frodo to Mount Doom in Lord of the Rings and let him drop the ring in, those movies would have been much shorter."

Am I the only one to assume he is clearly wearing some kind of bulletproof costume? Is it really logical to make the jump to "superpowers?"

Yey! Dredd is happy, see?

How about 'awesome' in its original meaning?

You're looking for the word sublime!

Deadpool will remember the events from the other films... and the cartoons... and _everything_

On the upside, Bookfisher, idiots like former Tennessee state senator Stacey Campfield may finally abandon the gay-flight-attendant-who-had-sex-with-a-chimpanzee-then-infected-everyone-in-the-initial-U.S.-outbreak "theory."

good job, good job, everyone

Well Wan is an Aussie, and we use the C-bomb as a term of endearment. Although, even jocularly wanker is not ideal.

Okay, is this like the phrase “taking the piss” I read recently, to tease? I think I'm getting the idea.

Hopefully they'll go full on Mythos and we'll have some Great Old Ones lolloping across the screen.

And then someday, when they get big enough to leave their stems, they break off and become Beholders!

I'm so sad that I can't star this at least ten times!

I am dying! These are fantastic!

I've often said the same thing about companies posting their content immediately after. I never understood the purpose of waiting a week or in some cases, months. For me personally, I'd log onto their website or a streaming website the next time almost every time. But since they never post their content, I'm

Very much this.

That's fine, I'm not criticizing what you like.

Interesting. Thanks for the picture.