Be sure to watch part 2, if you've not already seen Amélie.
Be sure to watch part 2, if you've not already seen Amélie.
My friend once threw a giant, wild party at her parents house .. and while there we decided to mess with things to give her parents subtle hints that something transpired. Like, we switched the minute and hour hands on one of their clocks. ;P
I think the tone of the game fit with the reveal. Had the level blown out like it did in SS2, it would have been way too much. Bioshocks reveal was just wasn't heavy handed. It was just as effective as it needed to be... for those who did not play SS2 and saw it coming from a mile away.
I think the reveal of "would you kindly" was really mindblowing.
Now there is a game I would pay good money for an HD remake of...
It'd be an awesome "No, John. You are the demons." style twist if it turns out this conspiracy theory is real.
Also, the theory present doesn't really work too well, when you consider the guardians/earth/humans are on the defensive, and clinging to survival.
I like dancing pecs guy.
Videographer RealTDragon was in my backyard last weekend, using the power of his camera to cause Dragon Con…
exactly what I was thinking I mean it was an ingenious idea no offence thezombiemessia
that's exactly what I was thinking I mean it's only the first thing to come up with the fungal infection
The new consensus seems to be you have to have your mic on and be talking into it loudly to trigger the baby laughter that leads to the ending. I saw it on reddit and gave it a try (I set up a one person "party" just to be on the safe side). Worked for me. Ran through the demo again and tried it once more and worked a…
I did the same with the Collector's Editions. I've been getting them all since AC1. I've been lazy with the encyclopedia and by the time I get around to actually wanting to order it they release a new AC title. I'm just perpetually putting off buying an encyclopedia. It wouldn't be so bad if they released like little…
Personally when it comes to a female assassin I want to play one of the ones from from ACII Assassins Tomb. Either http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/Amunet who killed Cleopatra or http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/Iltani who killed Alexander the Great. Playing one those would takes us even further back…
Shush. I like the modern stuff!
The ram was barely a thing in IV.
The game has about 50 hours of single player content, unfortunately the first 4 - 5 hours are basically a tutorial.
We're talking about an article that mentions the Israel/Palestine conflict. There's going to be alot of implications that are read into the author's words by people that want to whine about it.