
It's the same for me with regards to games that pit you as the bad guy from the start.

GTA and pretty much any other open world game in the GTA style, I'll happily ignore laws and the like. But yeah, give me the actual option to pick between good and bad, I'll pick good.

>>>The Next Infamous Wants To See Just How Evil You'll Get<<<

Not very.

I have tried to play evil characters in most games that offer the whole Paragon/Renegade, Hero/Villain type gameplay.

Can't do it.

I kicked my dog in Fable 2 and quit the game, deleted the save.

I killed a Little Sister in BioShock and turned off the

It's alright. I'm usually the friend that gets called in to play the game for them, not just sit there.

We accept your shame for the chance to play new games without having to pay for them...

Check response to other commenter that said the same :p

Ah, my memory is off. Coulda sworn it was 3 guys 1 girl.

My bad, I sorta skimmed the article and mostly focused on the vids and screenshots. Shoulda paid more attention.

Why do games like this always go for the "3 guys, 1 girl" system for playable characters?

Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Dead Island, and Riptide, I'm sure there were more when I last realised this, but I can't remember them now :/

Either way, always thought it was a bit odd...

What a cunt...

My wife & I just split up (amicably), so I'm staying back with my parents for a little while while we figure stuff I have less access to my usual hardware.

Luckily, I brought my PC and PS4, so I've been replaying Far Cry 3, and downloaded Outlast as soon as it hit PSN. Also Flower, and I guess I should finish

Nobody told the developers to change the game. Nobody officially complained. All that happened was that somebody, somewhere asked an interesting question, one that happened to involve non-whites in a very white setting.

It's like the commenters here just read the headline and jumped to conclusions without reading the actual article :/

If this were to ever come to be, which would be pretty cool if they really could do it, it'd be the first step in finally letting me play a game based in locations that I know well.

Which I've always wanted to do...

It still kinda bugs me when they say it's a new take on the murder mystery thing...I mean, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective was pretty much the same basic plot right? And I'm sure there are others...

But still, this game looks really good.

Oh, awesome. I got about halfway through the PC version when my save file got PS4 version should reignite my interest.


Hopefully there'll be something fun to mess around with again soon :D

I bought myself a PS+ year long subscription in mid-january, first time I've ever had PS+, so I was wondering...when do they update the instant game collection? Is it sporadic, or do they do it monthly?

Because I really have enjoyed Resogun, Contrast, and Don't Starve...but I'm wanting more things to play...(I do also

I've said this before, but I think it's worth repeating myself.

I avoided the Fast & Furious films for years, simply because the trailers made them look awful...and and dudebro just isn't my kind of thing. But then I decided to actually sit and watch them last year...and I fell in love with the series.


I knew I recognised it for a reason, but couldn't place it.


A Far Cry From Death

Cry of Fear

Fear Cry

Can't think of anything else...