"I'm not mad with you...I'm just...disappointed."
"I'm not mad with you...I'm just...disappointed."
Damn. Didn't realise that.
Ah well, it means I'll get it nice and cheap when I can afford the X1.
That was awesome.
I really wish I had some sort of skill with Source FilmMaker...I tried, but nothing really came of it.
I just wanted to a do a short of the G-man meeting Glados...*sigh*
Yeah, he also got it from a CEX :p
I was really really interested in the Ouya before it came out.
Since release, I've not really had the money to invest in it...nor have I really heard anything good about it.
Is it any better now? There's a pre-owned one in my local CEX that's been there since about a week after launch...
This is one of the games for the X1 that I'm interested in. Despite currently planning on buying the PS4 first, I'm still wishing I had the money for both consoles so I could play this.
The questionable stereotyping and boss battles are a little disappointing...but I guess, as another said somewhere, that they are…
'll admit, I basically only ordered it for the chest...the rest is just a bonus XD
UK/Europe used to get shafted all the time with regards to special/collector's editions, so I guess I'm not too bothered now...
The chest makes the noise when you open it :p
Why certainly! My address is f.....waitaminute!
But wait, there's more! Seven miles away, at the Gamestop in Valley Plaza Mall, a guy was robbed in the parking lot of his PS4 by a masked gunman who "sped off in a 2004 or 2005" white minivan. No arrest has yet been made.
Yeah, that's my major issue with the focus on things like Facebook instead of Tumblr and YouTube, or other blogging or video-blogging sites.
Facebook, Google+, and I guess Myspace and any others like that are almost specifically designed for you to interact with friends...as in, people that aren't always going to share…
Yeah, there's less social politics involved with Tumblr...for the most part, people only follow things or people that post stuff they find interesting.
So the ability to share my screenshots or videos with the entire Tumblr gaming community instead of just, say, 20 people I happen to know in real life, seems like it…
I've said it before, and I'll say it again; I really wish companies would recognise the existence of other Social Networks, or at least make it really easy for other social networks to make an app or something for these things.
I don't have Facebook, I prefer to use Tumblr...and it'd be great if I could share…
Ah, brilliant. I should probably consider actually watching Nintendo Direct sometimes...
Is Layton Vs Ace Attorney definitely getting a western release then?
I figure I might as well post this again:…
This is the Killzone timeline of events. Doesn't include any of the games past 2, but it gives good background on Earth, the ISA, the Helghast, etc.
Worth a read through.
The ISA aren't good guys...so I was quite happy that the ending to Killzone 3 showed this.