But...why does *everything* have to be innovative or new?
If people like playing it, then let them play it.
The very existence of something non-innovative does not stop innovation.
But...why does *everything* have to be innovative or new?
If people like playing it, then let them play it.
The very existence of something non-innovative does not stop innovation.
How...how is that anything like a seizure?
He's jumping in the air and then throwing his fist down in overly enthusiastic celebration...either to take the piss, or he really was happy.
But either way, this isn't going to stop people from taking games seriously...at all...that'd be like saying the existence of The…
Damn. I always had that little bit of hope in the back of my head...any ideas on where that interview is?
Never mind, turns out he did an interview in 2009 where he discussed something that sounds very very similar to what my friends saw:
With regards to the Lionhead thing...it's been years now, and in all likelihood they've since abandoned the project, but I had a friend that worked there for quite some time (worked on the B&W games and Fable 2).
He took a couple of my friends on a tour one time, and they got a very brief sneak peak at some of the…
Blood Curse is definitely far easier than the first two games, and given that it's a remake of the first it essentially covers the bases for the story.
If you can find a decent guide for the original games, it makes it easier to complete the objectives.
Horror/Survival Horror/Action Horror is pretty much my favorite genre of games...but I've never really found most of them "scary"
Plenty have made me jump at certain moments...but there are very very few that I could ever count as scary (where the entire game is filled with an oppressive atmosphere that has me…
How...how did that username come in to being?
What the frack are they?
I can definitely agree with that, although it had some good contenders...
The brilliant thing about stuff like horror is that it's entirely subjective.
None of those gifs look even remotely creepy to me, especially the ones that are completely lacking in subtlety.
I'm actually going through my PS3 Pile Of Shame at the moment, and Siren: Blood Curse is in that pile.
I loved Forbidden Siren 1 & 2 on the PS2, so rushed out to grab Blood Curse as soon as I got my PS3...got halfway through, and just couldn't force myself to go any further without soiling my trousers...
I'll keep it…
My wife & I were umming and ahhing about whether to pre-order or not.
I mean, we have more than enough saved up (we've been setting aside money for around 2 years now), it all just comes down to the fact that the release is so close to a time when stores will start offering their own deals/bundles, alongside all the…
I have to wait even longer :/
My parents are being nice enough to get me the collector's edition for Christmas...so it'll be sat at my parents place for a good month or so before I get to even open the box.
Alongside that, I won't be getting a PS4 until January sometime (if not even somewhen after). I have all the…
I've only completed 2 & 3, but it's all been fairly coherent so far...what wasn't coherent? (aside from the intro to 3 being completely different from the portion of the game it represents).
"VSA" should be "ISA"
And there's also the fact that that sentence is grammatically questionable...
Unless the ISA have had a name change to note that they're on Vekta...
As I say in another couple of comments, they've managed to tie Far Cry 3 in to the Abstergo lore, and with a reference to Watchdogs in AC4 it wouldn't shock me to see AC referenced in Watchdogs in some fashion.
They may never outright say "yep, same universe" but all these little nods and no outright contradictions in…
While Last of Us and Uncharted could potentially be in the same universe (no confirmation either way), the Portal and Half Life series' are pretty much interwoven.
Portal has the business presentation slides, and then glados mentions BM in her ending song.
Half Life 2 Episode 2 mentions Aperture and the Borealis,…
You find files that detail various experiments that were done with a Piece of Eden in the lab area you're exploring at the time. It's pretty interesting.
Also, the main bad guy (Hoyt? Hoit?) mentions that he "has powerful friends" that will hunt you down which could also be a mild reference...
With Far Cry 3 making a fairly big reference to Abstergo in one of the side missions, it is unsurprising for AC4 to make a reference to Watchdogs...and we'll likely see a reference to AC in Watchdogs.
I like the idea of all of their games sharing a universe, even if the storylines never really effect eachother...