
I might've downloaded this if it came out for Android at the same time as the game...but since I've completed GTA5, I see little to no point in getting it...

Which is the reason why the ending to the trailer confused me a little.

The actions you're talking about are similar to TimeSplitters 3. You play one section as far as you can, then go back in time and help yourself out, so that you can progress further.

But then the end of the trailer implies that your past self has

So there is!

Wow, that's a blink and miss it sort of thing isn't it? I thought it was plants the first time I watched it. Well spotted.

I just watched the trailer on a very small screen (my phone), so couldn't quite make out the writing on the screens inside the robot...have you got any screencaps that show where it confirms a human is rebooting it? It seemed more like the robot had been put on a timed shutdown or something...unless it was confirmed

What do we mean by time travel here?

Because, to me, this seems more like memory than traditional time travel (as shown in things like Braid, Prince of Persia, or TimeSplitters 3).

The bit at the end, where the screen flashes and the robot is suddenly in the post-apocalypse style world seems like it's waking from a

I know companies like Nintendo often "decline to comment" on most trumours and speculation. And likely do so with batch e-mails without even reading the initial line of questions.

But would it have been so hard for them to just admit that this wasn't theirs?

Ah, LAN parties. We did that for New Year's...yet another non-event now...

Before the group split and moved to different areas for jobs and the like, our Halloween plans used to be a weekend long D&D or WoD game, often dressed as the characters we were playing as.

Sadly, this is no more. So Halloween is back to being one of the most boring non-events of the year.

I really wish other social networking sites were recognised.

I left Facebook over a year ago, couldn't be bothered with it anymore. My Twitter account only acts as a link to my Tumblr (so when I post on Tumblr, my Twitter will post a link).

I'd love it if I could share my videos or screenshots on to my Tumblr account

Killzone games have a few notable attributes: Graphics that show off the power of Sony's gaming hardware. Smart enemies. Dumb stories. And a main character who's several feet shorter than every other person in the game.

When does inFamous: Second Son come out?

Although I always liked what I played, I've literally (as of about 10 minutes ago) only just completed the first game (with plans on getting the second tomorrow). I love the look of Second Son, can't wait to get my hands on it...

I also completed Killzone 3 yesterday in

There's a Karaoke night at the pub I frequent, once every 2 weeks.

It's really quite popular, but people are still kinda getting bored by the fact that nobody does anything different...each night, it's people doing the same songs.

Sometimes, however, somebody will place a bet, or offer drinks, or whatever, for people to

I've only ever known 1 person to have this. My old mentor, used to be a big PR guy for Future Publishing's games section (now works freelance for IGN UK), basically got given one for free alongside an entire library of HD DVDs.

He also got a free PS3, a library of BluRays, and a HDTV.

The benefits of working PR...

Visceral did a really good job with regards to the creation of the world/worlds in the Dead Space franchise.

I'm a big fan of coherent lore within a game world, and everything works together so very well.

It was just a shame that I could not be bothered, at all, to complete Dead Space 3.

Do you think the guy that did the "I have 3 PS3s" video will do a follow up for the PS4?

Being a fan of the properties it ties in with, and the aforementioned books that I grew up reading, I tend to try and think the same thing. I tried my hardest to convince myself that Prometheus was good, but the longer I thought about it...the more I disliked it.

Sadly, though, it is now a part of the canon...or, what

Isn't the canon basically being rebooted for the Alien universe? Or, at least, the Dark Horse comics are being rebooted to make Predator, Alien, and Prometheus all work together properly.

I always found it such a shame that no proper canon was ever established for all of this, yet some absolutely amazing books, comics,

Now playing

I imagine lots of people will completely disagree with this...but this is a cutscene that stuck with me for a long time. Pretty much the first game I completed on my PS3.

I don't even like the first Killzone, so I had no attachment to this character at all...but I thought the scene was well made.

The small round penguin on the right is called Avalanche.

I bought him for my wife a while back (she likes penguins, we have hundreds of them...hundreds...)

I think our most travelled plush toys are "Fred" (a plush Sir Om Nom Nom or Gordiant from Lost Planet 2), made in China, shipped to Capcom Japan, then to Capcom

While a truly horrible story, I find it a little amusing that the pedophile in the last one has the surname "Seaman"