
I came to ask this question and await the reply with interest and some concern...

I mean, you’d think Diana would relate to that, tbh.

It’s the whole boob situation I think is particularly unfortunate. Like, they’re just squashed in there, uniboob style.

See, I’d say he’s consistently the best thing about the film’s he’s been in. There are plenty of times that I’ve not been especially impressed by a film overall, but have found his performance to be worth watching.

I perform surgery on my crackers every year, to replace the contents with stuff that isn’t shit.

‘Twatwand’ is what fertility treatment veterans tend to call it, so you can always use that as a fallback.

I think so often these conversations are framed in a way intending to come across as ‘six weeks is ages, you dithering slut, why would you need longer than that anyway?’ and cheerfully ignoring actual reproductive biology and the possibility that not all women have predictable cycles anyway.

Good luck with the hoovering!

No worries!

Eh, I know what she meant. I’ve had a couple of miscarriages and a shitload of IVF and have no babies to show for any of it. I personally don’t find other people’s pregnancies and pregnancy announcements as difficult to deal with* as many of my online infertility acquaintances do, but yeah, many people struggling with

Age-wise they just don’t look the right ages for the roles, to me. Riggs looks too old and Murtaugh too young. And then I looked them up and they’re totally appropriate ages but their faces just don’t know that.

I thought they used the cavernous space beautifully at that initial point where the curtain raised on the dinner table, and then had no idea what to do with it after that. They sacrificed the whole of the rest of the set to that moment, which on balance was probably not a helpful trade-off.

I totally agree about that production. Cumberbatch was great, but a lot of the staging decisions were just... weird. The whole thing gave me a doll’s house impression; like they were trying to emphasise the character’s childishness, but it wasn’t consistent as to how it was done so it was a bit of a mish-mash. I did

You know what’s even better? The original Erich Kästner book, Lottie and Lisa. There was a copy at my grandma’s house and I used to read it every time I stayed there (along with Ballet Shoes).

That’s completely normal in the UK. If someone’s arrested then generally they’ll be released on (non-monetary) bail pending their court date (or, to return to the police station at a specified future date so the police can continue investigating and decide whether to charge them). Generally, you’d only be denied bail

Maybe this is all just our version of ‘Let’s Go to Golgotha!’...

I once saw her in the audience at the theatre and she was incredibly stylish and had on the most fabulous coat.

I used to think it was funny that the first time my internet friend came round to my house she brought her husband in case I was an axe murderer; but subsequently someone else I knew from the same forum murdered his new wife, dismembered and burned her remains, and set off on a round-the-world trip with the contents

I came across this earlier which is quite informative and a good antidote to all the ‘Death Panels!!1!’ stuff: