
What was keeping him alive was being on the ventilator, supported by intensive care staff. Transferring him to his home would have been fraught with practical issues including the fact that the ventilator physically wouldn’t have fitted through the front door, and even if it had, the layout of the approach to the

I would definitely draw a substantial distinction, though, between those celebrity parents who sell photos largely to minimise the chances of others trying to get them, and give the money to charity; versus those ‘celebrities’ who more or less make a living from selling pictures of their families.

You should take a look at Propane Jane (@docrocktex26) on Twitter. She has well-informed thoughts on this.

One of the massively annoying things about now being vegetarian is that their veggie-balls are not so fucking good. They’re pretty meh.

I’ve ordered your book! Looking forward to reading it.

She was on Who Do You Think You Are last night, talking to Clare Balding about her great grandfather or whatever, who made his fortune in baking powder. She was fucking amazing!

Umbrellas are fucking pointless. They just blow inside out. I once had the whole top of an umbrella shear off, leaving me clutching a stick and shouting ‘Look out! Umbrella! It’s coming at you!’ at people down the street. After that I just wore a coat.

No, the cost in this case would be met by funds the parents have raised through donations. (I personally have something of an issue with any doctor who would charge you for the privilege of being experimented on, but that’s neither here nor there). The issue is more to do with what’s in Charlie’s best interests - the

Not from any kind of personal experience, but I came to say much the same thing. With most drugs, withdrawal makes you feel like you’re dying, but in fact can’t kill you. With alcohol you can absolutely die from suddenly stopping, if you’re sufficiently physically dependent on it. It really needs to be done with

Came to say this. Neither 2 Chainz nor Pink Trap House had any prior significance to me and from that perspective the headline sounds like a public health issue associated with them, rather than like a positive health initiative.

And to you!

Yeah, it did sound rather twee and lecturious the way it was described there.

From a UK perspective, the idea of needing to justify the length of time mentioned here as a ‘gap’ is pretty alien - if any of my fertility treatment* ever actually manages to knock me up, I’d be taking a year of maternity leave during which time I’d be continuously ‘employed’ by my work and there literally wouldn’t

How very sad and unimaginably difficult for you.

Oh, please. Everyone knows Star Trek IV: The One With The Whales is the best.

Oh, please. Everyone knows Star Trek IV: The One With The Whales is the best.

Oh, absolutely - it just amused me the speed with which she went ‘Fuck! This was a terrible idea! Rewind!’

The Harold Shipman case had a similar pattern, both in the number of murders committed and the alarming length of time they continued with no-one apparently realising what was happening. In Shipman’s case, even when a funeral home and doctor realised that far, far more of his patients were dying than could possibly be

I’d question whether she really gave May much of a run; I saw it more as a series of odd circumstances that left her inexplicably in the running when all the usual suspects had dropped out. Thereafter it pretty much went:

Also because her doctors specifically said it would be incredibly dangerous for her to get pregnant again, even after she had some quite unpleasant surgery done in hopes it might allow her to carry another pregnancy. Which is not to say she’s magically a selfless and wonderful person but she does genuinely seem to

I find it really interesting how different countries legislate these issues in wildly different ways. I’m single and have had fertility treatment with donor sperm, and am now moving to donor eggs as well. I live in the UK, and here the law allows me to have treatment as a single woman but requires that the donors’ ID