I genuinely don’t see how Theresa May can hang on as PM for much longer. Her approval rating was already below Trump’s before this happened and at this point I don’t think there can be anyone left in the country who doesn’t loathe her.
I genuinely don’t see how Theresa May can hang on as PM for much longer. Her approval rating was already below Trump’s before this happened and at this point I don’t think there can be anyone left in the country who doesn’t loathe her.
I’ve seen stuff today where firefighters were saying they’ve rarely if ever seen a fire spread so fast and far - that usually, a fire in this type of building would be contained within the flat it started in, often within the room, for long enough for them to tackle it. So in that case, the ‘shelter in place’…
I’m quite sad he’s not coming cos I was planning some awesome placards. Although I understand the latest plan was for everyone to moon him everywhere he went...
It could be a prison library. That way some good would come of his presidency!
Nah, remember David Blunkett? But I’m really happy for your new MP, she seems great!
My MP represents about 77,000 people. In the past I’ve seen him around town delivering leaflets (if I remember rightly, he had a broken arm at the time - I think he’d recently fallen off his bike). Last week my friend bumped into him at the local football match, and had a chat.
I’d like to think the Tories wouldn’t actually elect Boris.
The DUP alliance seems like an extraordinary short-sighted move, to me. A horrible one, certainly, but one that ultimately will backfire. Because there are plenty of people within the Conservative party who won’t be on board with it - not least the 19 LGBTQ Tory MPs - and it certainly won’t do anything to broaden the…
Basically, she didn’t. It was arrogance and hubris. What she said out loud was that she wanted a stronger mandate for Brexit; that increasing her majority would strengthen her hand at the negotiating table. That’s bollocks, though. What she wanted to do, really, was finish Labour off; to drive them into the political…
Theresa May’s excuse was that she wanted to strengthen her mandate for Brexit, but in reality it was sheer opportunism - the Tories were hugely ahead in the polls and she saw it as a chance to romp home and screw Labour over completely. Now, Labour have emerged in a much better position, May has lost her majority, and…
I went with silver but I was really tempted by the iridescent one!
Much as I hate the Tories (I have ordered my ‘Fuck the Tories’ necklace and am hoping it’ll arrive by Thursday - https://www.fuckthetories.co.uk) my one silver lining here is that at least it looks like it’ll be them who fuck up Brexit. Because there’s no way to deliver a non-fucked-up Brexit; it’s completely…
They were threatening having it be Birmingham at one point. I can’t think why they’re bothering about where it is; the protests in any location will be epic. I for one will travel to wherever it is. I’m rather looking forward to it and planning my placard. And Scotland would be particularly entertaining; they fucking…
There was a massive, ridiculous electrical storm near me the other night (went on for about an hour, constant lightning but silent, really unsettling) and just for a moment I thought ‘Shit! Trump’s actually done it! He’s pressed the button and we’re all doomed!’
That’s the time to say something like “Why are you touching my arm?” (and, if necessary, “please stop now”).
I’m guessing the are good reasons why this person creeps you out. I’m guessing he probably creeps other people out, as well. And probably, a lot of how he gets away with being continually creepy is people wanting to avoid making things awkward for everyone. Let it be awkward. It won’t hurt you, it will puncture his…
The way Twitter cropped that top right one, I thought they’d given a medal to a Cyberman...
It occurs to me that Trump’s eventual undoing may be the fact of not only his having no personal integrity whatsoever, but that he can’t conceive of it in others. Comey is all about doing what he perceives to be the ethically correct thing - I may sometimes disagree profoundly with what that thing is, but I do think…
I’m just slipping into a sort of scorched-earth fatalism at this point. Fuck it. Fuck everything. People want to vote for the Tories in spite of everything? Fine. I’ll just sit back and watch the flames. I’ll bring marshmallows.
They haven’t even confirmed where/when it’s going to be shown in the UK yet. :-(