I personally have zero issue with her having done nude modelling (so long as she was OK with it herself) but I think there’s a fascinating cognitive dissonance at work when the exact section of society who would normally go all pearl clutchy and decry her as Slutty McSlutboobs for it are suddenly also fine with it…
I think it’s in there in the sense that, like death, you can’t know what’s on the other side until you get there.
On a semi-related note I would just like to say that it has not escaped the UK’s attention that Trump proposes to send us an ambassador whose name is basically ‘Dick Dick’.
For the last few weeks I’ve just been constantly thinking ‘the caldera under Yellowstone will blow and wipe out human life’ or ‘meteor strike’ or ‘the singularity’ or ‘flu pandemic’ basically all the time. A general malaise of ‘what’s the point, humanity’s just going to end up as those spindly green people at the end…
In strict fairness to Victoria Beckham, I believe she has a wicked sense of humour, and she smiles a lot more now than she used to. I think that for some reason she was just super-self-conscious about showing her teeth, in her Spice Girls days.
Perhaps he hasn’t. Maybe he’s one of those people who can’t bear to go anywhere except in their own bathroom, and he just holds it in the rest of the time, and that’s why he doesn’t like sleeping anywhere except his own home.
Cornflower blue, surely? Cornflour is more or less the same colour as ordinary flour.
In those shots at the WH door, I can’t decide if the smile isn’t making it to her eyes because she’s miserable, or because of botox. Or both.
He’s not worth it. He’s a shitty excuse for a human being and a worse one for a president, and that freefall feeling today is bringing is horrible. But he’s not worth giving up over, and you are worth holding on for.
She looks like she’s walking like a robot.
I saw him on stage in (and, indeed as) the Elephant Man, and he was actually really good. (I remember thinking at the time that it was mildly insulting towards him that I was surprised by that.)
Mine’s dead. She dropped dead of a sudden heart attack a couple of years ago. Some combination of that, and Carrie Fisher, and me just having turned 40 has got me convinced that I too am about to have a heart attack, and every random twinge from my dodgy left shoulder has me going ‘see?’ in my head.
Not that it’s any of my business, but my guess it that she most likely used donor eggs. And since my own eggs (aged 40 tomorrow) are now crappy enough that I may well need to do the same, I say go her.
Yeah, I saw someone on Twitter point out that not only is this a heck of a slapdown, but the fact that they’re down to asking another country’s X-Factor runner-up, from like six years ago, also speaks volumes.
She has a really unusual voice, I’ve always rather liked her. Try these (each one of which seems like a teeny bit of a fuck you to everything Trump stands for, now I come to think of it):
I quite liked Rebecca Ferguson already and this ups that considerably. And she was so lacking in confidence when she started out on the X Factor (I mean, I know they really push all that ‘journey’ stuff but she could barely look up) that it’s doubly nice to see her deliver such a magnificent slapdown.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a video of that and she was so, so excited and her joy was absolutely infectious.
Oh, fuck off 2016, you massive wanker.