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So was the song ‘Christmas Time (Don’t Let The Bells End)‘ never a thing in the US? Because The Darkness clearly made that just in order to be able to shout ‘BELLS END!!!’ at a choir of children. (And it’s now played every year because it’s a Christmas song.)

I really want to see it but apparently it doesn’t come out in the UK until February. Harrumph.

I’m not ‘claiming’ anything; that’s what they say. You can read them here, if you’re so inclined: (From a quick skim, the latest on positive health benefits seems to be that if you’re a woman over 55, there may be some beneficial effects to drinking around 5 units a week, which is a good

Plenty of people drink every day, don’t perceive it as a problem, and are in fact drinking over recommended levels. Taking the UK guidelines (‘cos I don’t know what the US ones are), someone drinking a glass of wine a day is probably above that level (and someone doing the more common ‘let’s share a bottle of wine

Leaving aside the (substantial) potential for miscarriages of justice, I believe it’s wrong to kill people. And if it’s wrong, it doesn’t become OK just because they’re appalling people. We’re supposed to be better than that.

I absolutely agree presidents (and everyone) should have leisure time. (Kellyanne doesn’t sound convinced, given the snotty comments she’s making about it, but hey.) But what we’re talking about here is a second job, and one which comes with a built in conflict of interest. Even if (as seems not improbable) Trump is

Unfortunately I have a horrible feeling what’s actually been said is “These violent delights have violent ends...”

I still have a TV that goes ‘bwonnggg’!

See, I don’t like that it’s the shape of his head, because unless people came and inspected my boobs really closely they wouldn’t be able to read the words and so they might think I just liked him...

If it’s anything like Brexit, they’ll turn around and deny ever having believed those things, and say it was really all about some other, probably intangible policy (like ‘change’ or ‘taking back control’) and the stuff about jailing Hillary (or whatever other lie) was all just noise and really it’s you elitist types

Starred for excellent use of ‘egads’.

I’ve always rather liked Miriam González Durántez (wife of former UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg) because she just got on with having a life and career while he was in office. I mean, she seemed supportive, but also did her own thing.

I’m somewhat torn on this whole thing.

Wholly predictably (having had a look on Twitter) they’re more “How can anyone complain about Melania being such a great mother? THIS PROVES THE LEFT HATE WOMEN AND KIDS!”

Yes. This. It’s like Trump thinks we’ve all woken up in some Bizarro-world reality where the way he behaves is considered entirely polite, but speaking without rancour to a newly-elected official who works for you about how you hope they will embrace the diversity of the electorate as they carry out that work is

How fucking hard is it to just believe people when they tell you what gender they are?

I’m getting Patrick Wilson. Who (no offence to Patrick Wilson) probably wouldn’t top my sexiest man list.

It could be like that ‘A Dream of a Thousand Cats’ issue of Sandman where dreaming a change to the world makes it happen...

I’d never paid any attention to them until watching endless episodes of the Kardashians got me through my second miscarriage. Genuinely, I could just zone out and not have to think, and I was profoundly grateful for that. Here’s to Dream, and may she be a bit of cheerfulness for the world at this horrible time.