
Well, I mean, I spent yesterday saying “What’s wrong with people?” so now I guess that becomes “What’s wrong with People?” as well.

Because we all know that the pill and condoms work 100% of the time!

Honestly, I don’t know that they will. Using Brexit as a parallel (where, again, the people voting for it most enthusiastically were the people most likely to be negatively affected by it), what we’re seeing in the UK is lots of advance finger-pointing for why problems with it are all someone elses fault, as opposed

*Raises hand*

Sooner or later someone will surely hack them...

Yeah, but then you get Pence.


You know, we basically get it, because Brexit. I mean, we don’t get that either, but it’s the same kind of thing.

Yup. I glanced at Twitter last night and it was all ‘To read all emails in that time Comey had 2 read 1 per second! THIS PROVES SHE IS CROOKED !!!1!

Actually, he apparently keeps a copy of Hoover’s request to wiretap Martin Luther King on his desk, as a reminder not to repeat past FBI mistakes.

Lots of US based people posted previously about how the Bake Off is appealing because it’s gentle and doesn’t have that cutthroat dramatic thing going on. I’ve no idea if it’s available to view over there, but if you can find it, may I also recommend the Great British Menu?

For me, when my mum died, it was like I’d experience fresh grief with literally everything I was experiencing. There’s a beautiful sunset; she’ll never see another sunset. I’m eating chocolate; she’ll never eat any more chocolate. She’ll never get to watch another episode of Game of Thrones. She’ll never see the sea

I’m rather fond of the ‘responding to being shot with Spider-man’s web shooters’ one, myself.

In most UK supermarkets, you can buy loose fruit and veg which are weighed at the checkout, or packaged ones (in trays or bags depending on what the fruit/veg is) where the price is fixed. In some cut-price places (eg Aldi) they sell pretty much exclusively the packaged ones. Buying the loose ones is usually cheaper,

Poundbury is a Stepford Wives-esque, terrifying monstrosity. I have never, ever seen a living person in the streets. Tumbleweed would not seem out of place. It would have a bloody Waitrose.

I know, I thought they hated each other.

I was so paranoid about checking and double-checking my ballot paper in the Brexit referendum. (Not that it made any differenc. Sob.) And even though I knew I’d checked it, I spent all day worrying I’d actually accidentally voted to Leave.

Bath is worth a visit (no pun intended, given the story here).

I would absolutely be prepared to become Mrs Awesome.