
I initially read that as ‘he was married to the First Lady before’, and I was really quite confused...

And you can see from that first photo that she dressed to match the colour of Trump’s face, which is a nice touch.

Technically you can, though - they did it on Myrhbusters.

I’ve seen some, but he never had that effect on me!

I’ve never really seen the point of Alec Baldwin before, but his Trump is a gem. There are few good things coming out of this horrible shitshow of an election, but it’s absolutely one of them.

Not a lawyer, but I’d imagine any NDA would relate to her time on The Apprentice, not to every subsequent interaction with Trump?

You know, I just started a Creative Writing Master’s, and this week the focus is on character. And all week I’ve been thinking, if you made Trump up, no-one would believe you. The only place he could work as a character is in a really broad comedy satire type of thing. I’m sure if I were giving feedback on him I’d be

As a fellow conventionally unattractive woman, I’m finding it rather entertaining to imagine how absolutely unable to conceive of my worth Trump would be. I’m imagining it as a secret weapon, like invisibility. I mean, I absolutely take your point - whenever Trump does this, people say ‘but she’s lovely’ which does

For him to have thought this would be a problem, he’d have to have some sense of women as people; and of people other than him as autonomous beings who exist in the world. Lacking either of those things, I doubt he’d have even called any of this to mind, when the conversation was had about whether there was anything

Death did not look super into Thanos during the whole Infinity Gauntlet thing, though. I was rather worried for her.

There was a piece I thought made a good point in the guardian the other day, which basically called out the weird cultural narrative where it’s apparently totally OK for armed robbers to like diamonds, but not OK for Kim Kardashian to.

See, everyone says punchable, but I can’t think it’d be in the last satisfying. Your fist would just bounce off him, surely?

For me, I have a lot of time for Jonah Nolan because of Person of Interest, and I’m encouraged by the fact that they’ve spent time thinking about a long-term plot (I hate that Lost thing of obviously making it up as they go along) and acknowledged the creepiness. Having done both of those things, I’m going to give

I think the makers of the show are also entirely conscious of how utterly creepy it is, and I’m hoping they’ll continue to acknowledge that through it.

He’s not in any way classy, but I believe he’s from a fairly well-off background. Not, like, old money family estate; but he’s certainly not working class or lower-middle. Maybe that very privileged layer of the upper middle class that thinks their life is perfectly normal and really quite difficult?

There’s obviously a ‘go to sleep’ phrase programmed into the hosts, we saw it in the pilot. So maybe ‘these violent delights have violent ends’ is also programmed into them, on some deep and secret level, to do... something?

I’m sort of imagining ‘Grab the pussy’ to the tune of the old Dastardly and Muttley ‘Stop the pigeon’ theme music...

Which raises an interesting question. If he goes back and fixes it, we all cease to exist, and the versions of us that Barry thinks are the ‘right’ ones come back in our places. In comics everyone is always totally cool with that, but I’m not sure I am, even for the greater good...

From a UK perspective, we discovered this year that 52% of the turnout actually voted for the madness that is Brexit. Yesterday, it came out that the government don’t want to take advice on the (nightmarish) process of enacting it anymore from LSE academics who weren’t born in the UK, and a worrying number of comments