
When Avatar came out I'd just done my back in. I was lying on the bed in emergency, unable to move much, and every doctor or nurse who came in was "Oh, have you seen Avatar? It's amazing." So I'd look up at them and say "No, I've been busy swearing and getting brought here in an ambulance, actually."

Battles on the backs of insects... where have I seen that before?

Jesse Martin is just as good if not better. He kills it as Joe.

Harrison knowing all those names seems to be what satisfied Barry mentally on what Harrison did, but I think it served two purposes. It was a nice DC comics call out, but all Harrison did was name people who were affected by the accident who were superheroes. He didn't care about his victims at all, he just knew their

I don't think Wells is a bad guy, I just think that's he's doing everything possible to make sure Barry is ready for what's coming. Maybe his methods are a little bit excessive, but then again, he seems to know what's at stake in the future. Something bad is coming, and perhaps Wells is where he is to prevent that,

I agree with you, it's a real stretch to claim what happened was murder. There is no way that Blackouts death was intentional on Barry's part

it also doesn't help that Barry actually murders a dude, even if it's accidental

The only Waterfalls that matters is the show with Caroline Dhavernas and the toy animals who talked to her.

Failing to pay attention to pop culture whatsoever for the last 40 years may be unusual, but it's not particularly admirable.

This was also recently the case with Skye in Agents of SHIELD. Everyone loved her and acknowledged how important she was... except for the audience. She is massively improved in Season 2, thank goodness.

Are we allowed to hate Vinson now? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I hate her.

The shop owner should send a bill for the decontamination efforts.

I would NOT melt that show with acid.

I will gladly watch a show about a female lizard Sherlock Holmes, her maid/wife and their violent alien butler fighting crime in Victorian London. I will watch the HELL out of that series.

Hope this is good, but sad how much the dinosaurs just look like CGI compared to the T. rex in the original movie. They look better than the Brachiosaurus in the first one but still.

"They just went and made a new dinosaur? Probably not a good idea."

So what. It's ironic that no-one here has a problem dissing Midler for her age and things she did in the past, but it's a problem for Bette to have a similar opinion. Pot meet Kettle.

The difference is, Bette's comedy is intentional. AG's is not.

Bette had a very sexy show back in her day, but she was brazen and weird and sweaty. I think her point is that the Ariana Grande sex kitten show is cliche and boring and silly and heteronormative and bland and lacking in originality, which it is. Not that sexuality doesn't have a place in performance. Or maybe that