
Call me crazy, but doesn't that say close to signing? It may be almost a done deal, but don't these sorts of things fall apart fairly regularly? io9, at least, seems to be accepting this more cautiously. No offense intended, Rebecca, because you're totally the best!

[Insensitive comment]

Wait, we're allowed to like Steve Martin (the comedian) again? I thought we were still supposed to be angry about that other tweet of his. Man, I really need to update my Outrage calendar.

I'm offended by your question.

Mine, too. I was coming here to say just that.

As a guy, I kind of find these responses a little weird. If someone is willing to hold the door for me, regardless of their gender, then that's great! It's nice of them! I hold the door for other folks as well, again, regardless of gender.

Doug, stop huffing paint or doing PCP, or hanging out with Shia LeBeouf or whatever it is you did before writing this.

"...from his Secret Muslin Lizard People Dictatorship."

I find myself mustering disbelief that a kid as young as this one seems to be would have a clue about that Prince symbol. Still, kittehs!

Naya is slowly morphing into Kim, isn't she? Also, I need to know which movie to relate this situation to. Is it Single White Female or The Thing?

You might want to sit down because this may come as a shock. All businesses exist to make "pots and pots" of money. It's the whole point of starting a business. Maybe if parents didn't rely on corporations to raise and instill values in their children we could stop all this ridiculous pearl clutching every time a

I don't think it's that she did porn, it's the fact she refuses to admit she filmed it for profit and continues to whine about being a victim because of it. If she'd just own up to it I doubt anyone would have a problem with it.

The Johansson SodaStream ad will still be airing during the Super Bowl. It just had that Coke/Pepsi line replaced.

I wish you the very best in finding your beautiful kitty. It's scary when they go missing. The open world is no place for our beloved, pampered, masters.

Naya Rivera looks like a previously undiscovered Kardashian in that 'new hair color' pic.

Ah! I did, indeed, miss the local coverage. Thanks for setting me straight.

Beyonce included an audio clip from the Challenger disaster at the beginning of the video for 'XO'. Apparently Jezebel is too in love with Beyonce to have mentioned this. (At least as far as I've seen.) I'm surprised Bill Nye's Tweet made it in. I suppose it did because it's more critical of NASA than Beyonce.

New game? Wasn't it released six months ago?

Have they covered the Challenger bit around here yet? Probably not, considering Beyonce is to Jezebel what Bobby Bowden is to FSU fans.

Lindy, your opening Duck Dynasty piece brought no small amount of amusement to what has been a pretty trying day. I cannot thank you enough for that. Please keep being amazing. :)