
If she enabled him in any way like getting the drugs for him or covering it up, then she does have some fault in his assaults.

She opened the door when she claimed the women were willing participants who threw themselves at Cosby. She’s also a business partner and manager, and she probably thought when this started that it would be (once again) swept under the rug. Don’t kid yourself, she’s in it up to her neck.

She’s a piece of shit. The woman stood by while her husband ruined the lives of an endless stream of his victims. Special place in hell for her.

Sorry but Bushes who aren’t descended from Barbara are not canon. It’s like finding some obscure Knowles family member with no blood relation to Tina.

Same crap with GMA. And they all yell over each other. Too early in the morning. If I have to watch morning TV at all, I watch CBS. Three people politely talking one at a time and using their indoor voices. Brilliant.

Preach Warren.

I get having to stay loyal to family. But if she was actually “uncomfortable,” how did they not intervene when their little 16-17 yr-old sister was getting groomed by a grown ass man? They’re cray.

Where did you bring the papers?

Meanwhile, some exchange student from Kuwait dumped a bunch of personal stuff — copies of passport and visa, health records, banking info, a letter from a property management company saying an apartment would be junked if the tenant did not respond because the lease was up and belongings had not been collected — at

I really would not be down with that thing staring down at me during sex. Or over breakfast. Or at the beach. Or literally ever.

What the F is the possessed baby tattoo on his shoulder?

Oh, you know my sister?

Except that’s really just the excuse, Uber’s using legal loopholes to fuck both their customers and their “contractors”, and in some cases they also fuck the cities they operate in for good measure (some cities restrict the availability of taxi licenses to control traffic, for instance), because libertarianism, and

You seem to have a pretty frightening range of scenarios for when mob justice is acceptable if you think this qualifies.

Shit, you mean if I’d read the article I would have found out about the dozens of five year-olds she’s delicately poached and consumed atop a bed of wilted greens? That’s one hell of a buried lede.

Because unless she’s murdered and eaten an entire kindergarten class, no woman deserves ‘internet justice.’ Jess is a dumbass, but she’s not the one with a network TV show.

I called my friend Matéo, the same friend who had suggested that I get back into online dating, and asked for his advice.

I mean, sure, Kylie is basically a bratty teenager, but then the Kardashians need to stop telling me how she’s “so mature for her age” Honestly, I feel she’s acting more like a 13 or 14-year-old, when she’s supposed to be 18.