
I’m so sorry. The abuse of trust when a rapist uses these drugs is a part of the crime that so often goes un-spoken. The whole concept of “date rape” destroys the carefully curated stranger-danger rapist story we as women are sold our whole lives.

Honestly, same. I had to be forced away from my abusive ex for a few months before I realized, “Oh god, he might kill me one day.” And I swear to christ the one thing I’ve been thinking this whole time is that this has happened before. I thought a couple of exes of his said he was abusive or at the very least a very

I really appreciate it when public figures come out and support women (or other victims) in cases like these. So many people are going to cry that she is making it up to get money out of Depp without realizing how incredibly traumatic and difficult it is to report any kind of abuse.

I would equally believe the bruises didn't show up until later and that the cops are lying.

Why is there alwaysone jerk who has to take any topic and make it political? Give it a fucking rest.

I am currently living with someone who pulled that shit last night on me. I reminded her that I am living with her because I ran to escape my husband, who beat me all the fucking time. I told her to remember how bad people were to me when I first ran, stating no one had heard him threaten me to slit my throat or we

too much to lose. too many professional bridges to burn. fanbase or no.

this right here - bruises are not the indicator of if abuse happened. I had my ex break my fucking arm. i had a friend fix it for me (she’s a nurse) but the amount of people saying, “but we weren’t there” just pisses me off. dude, i can get an xray and show what was done but most of the abuse was never anything

You know what, one word of corroboration from Winona or Kate and it would be game over for Depp. Those women both have individual fanbases just as strong as Depp’s, even if they don’t have Disney power behind them. Winona Forever’s word is bond, and no one’s going to disbelieve her just because she got caught

People would say those same things about my soon-to-be-ex, too. Thankfully mine hadn’t gotten this far, but the image these guys present outside the home makes people not want to believe their partners.

At least there is a chance that we’ve seen the end of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise

No part of me is surprised that Paul Bethany is a douchebag. So much talent with so little career when you’re that British, white, and male?

Hang on everybody. I think we’re forgetting the real victim here...Disney.

just want to say....

Yeah, I’m just saying i don’t think i’d be able to control myself, not that there’s a right or wrong way to respond to a situation like this.

It depends on the drug. Some at lower doses amp up pacivity, not an immediate knockout. That’s part of the danger of these drugs and the under reporting of their usage. It’s how the victim will walk out of the bar with someone they don’t know. Some victims recall “coming to” while engaged in a sex act they didn’t

This is a pretty good idea.

We’re always told to fear strangers, but most assaults are by people we know and trust. Because they’re the ones we let get close to us. I hope he rots too.

I’m not crying. Nope.

These women are awesome. And the restaurant handled that perfectly. How awesome that they were able to verify via camera. But I’m just so stunned that it would be the gal’s good friend. What a jerk. What are guys thinking this way? Who wants to have sex with sleeping girls? I just never understood rape drugs. Makes no