
So for all the talk of black girl magic, of Tamir, Freddy and their mothers, the value of black women...this is the legacy of Lemonade? Tell me I am wring, but then tell me what they conversation has been, what’s dominated the headlines...especially here. For all the talk of her blood and sweat and the significance of

I never trusted her.

No statement from Rachel Ray yet tho? Suspicious.

She is as exhausting as Michelle Obama and Beyoncé are fabulous.

Oh god she’s one of THOSE. I had the misfortune of having to deal with one of those - “I respect your family sooooooo much, and you yelling at me about sleeping with your man was just totally unacceptable” nose-in-the-air insincere dumb nightmare narcissists (and since she’s stalked me on Jez before - hey girl!).

Oh, Rach. You might respect “love, marriages, families and strength,” but you sure don’t value them more than your social media presence.

...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

I feel like Beyonce is being quite direct, not really anything passive about it. She’s putting a personal experience, one that unfortunately is shared by many, in a political context. If that’s over your head it’s one thing, but it seems like if you’re reading a post about it and commenting on it, you give more than a

Can someone explain to me how Chrissy Teigen is an “attention whorebag?” I see a lot of people hating her, and even calling her worse than Kim K., but from what I’ve seen she’s just a legitimately funny person who loves to eat. She seems to have an actual personality and a lot of my female friends adore her,

You sound nice

Lindsay is hungry to say relevant. Very very hungry. One might even say, hungry like the wolf.

I was like, one more video just one more thing and you will lose a quarter of your meat.

I don’t...I’m confused. What kind of proof does she need. Like, does she actually have to be there when his penis goes into another vagina? Is forensic evidence enough? Like, what?

At first I had a little sympathy for her because being cheated on sucks, but I have now gone back to not giving a shit about either one of them.

I would need this sized mug if I had the same scrutiny in my life as Hillary Clinton.

I hope she took some cheesecake to go, and when she got to her hotel she poured a mug-ful of wine and ate a ton of cake.

This is actually really depressing. We’re finally watching the OJ thing on FX and my first thought seeing her pining for the cake was Marcia Clark and all the abuse she got for her clothes/hair/being a woman. :/

:-( sorry you had to go through that.

Have you read Lolita? It's about this girl who goes on trips and stuff with an older friend.