
My old boss is uber-Mormon. One day his wife came in with the child army and I've never seen someone with a thousand yard stare like that outside a war movie, very brittle but perky as fuck, just weird all around. A coworker in a another location asked me what she was like and I said, 'She's got five kids under five,

We used to call it "Tiny Emperor Syndrome." Because you are so powerless on the bottom rung, when you figure out a way to move up one, even if it's just to something pointless like "shift supervisor" all the New! Shiny! Power! goes to your head and you lose your damn mind and turn into Mussolini, because BY GOD THE

It's always that age group, man, almost invariably it's a Baby Boomer. I don't get why, when they were supposed to be the generation of "free love" and shit, but in general they're the most entitled assholes I've ever had the displeasure in dealing with.

I'm more jealous than I should be.

I never understood spouses who sit there while their SO treats people like this. If my wife ever treated someone with disrespect I'd throw down a tip and let her know I was leaving and if she wanted a ride home she'd better join me. I also know that if I were to ever be the jerk, that she'd do the exact same thing

that last story... I was crossing my fingers the management was going to kick this horrible POS woman out of PF Chang's but NOPE!!!! that made it the worst story of this bunch by a landslide.

No. She squirts it DIRECTLY ON THE TABLE. The kids proceed to finger-paint the entire table with their chicken strips, ketchup, and Splenda concoction.

I used to love that place in the summer.

they discovered that one described the brutal murder of the American aid worker Peter Kassig and 18 Syrian hostages as "gut-wrenchingly awesome".

What I don't get about these stories is: WHY? Why do people from Western countries join ISIS? What on earth possesses a person who watches a video of some poor soul being brutally decapitated to say "Yes, this is exactly what I want to do. Sign me up for some of that sweet murder!" ???

I feel all the ragey feels from this story. Because women don't get to have autonomy in any way right? We can't have our own valid fucking reasons without some fucktard challenging us to prove it. I feel so so so bad for that woman- she was forced by another man, just in a different way :( . Sometimes it makes me

Yes. I agree.

I attend a university that is known for it's adjacent vet program. They support a lot of service dog training on campus. There are also working service dogs on campus. The dogs have different vests, purple vs red to indicate what stage they are at. A friend of mine was walking through with her PTSD service dog and

The same kind of idiot that abuses someone when they legally park in a disabled spot without a visible disability.

I can't decide if the level of anger I'm feeling right now is irrational or not.

I hate this! One of my now very close friends is a non-initiator. I think you have to look at their circumstances and the friendship as a whole.

What do you do when you have friends you love and have so much fun when you are together, but they never call you to hang out? I'm always the initiator and I don't know if I should be hurt by that. I'm supportive and interested in their lives and we all have fun together, so I don't think it is me. Does this kind

Solution? Don't have friends. Convince yourself you're better off. Besides, it frees you up to comment on shit online.

The childhood friend who was always kind of a hippy but as an adult is obsessed with anti-GMO organic everything, refuses to vaccinate her kids, and has projected her won disordered relationship with food into the conviction that her youngest's dubious health and behavioral problems are due to a metabolic disorder

I am not a business savvy person, I am not good with money, I'm not athletically gifted or particularly beautiful. But damn, if I have some of the most healthy, rewarding and supportive relationships I have ever. I think it is my only true asset.