
Yeah at least GOOP did some acting before she started telling us how to live our lives.

Eons ago, a twenty-something me walked out of a dealership because they tried to do a bait and switch on the sales paperwork. As I was leaving, the salesman stood in the doorway to block me from leaving the office. I finally got past him and rushed to lock myself in my car. He then stood behind my car trying to keep

I got my first car after I graduated law school and ended up with a Nissan because I was treated similarly by a Honda dealership. I was leasing, not buying, and the sales guy straight up lied to my face about the amount of local and state taxes for leasing, telling me they were much higher than they were when I

My worst car-buying experience: I looked at a vehicle, got approved for the financing of the vehicle, and went back the next day to seal the deal. When I returned, the car had been sold to someone else. The asshole salesman tried to tell me that, because I was approved for financing, I HAD to buy a car from them. I

I'm living just outside of albuquerque right now. Nope, not surprising. What actually IS surprising is that the manager even bothered to call the cops (probably done because of the drunk driving thing, not the guns 'n baby issue).

Sadly, your state does not have a monopoly on "What the fuck?" I have seen more WTF, "Did you see that?" and "You're not gonna believe this shit" stories from Idaho. Specifically, north Idaho. Things get weird up here, really fast.

It's extremely New Mexican in that it lacks the edge of malice or sinister intent that characterizes so many stories from, say, Florida (not that we can't do awful out here, as well), and is strong on that most New Mexican of qualities: total inexplicability.

My favorite part of this post is the fact that every commenter from or living in New Mexico has said some variant of "yup, that's what life is like here."

Just to clear this up, here's my disclaimer: "I in no way condone: drinking while driving, handling guns while drinking, handling babies while drinking, handling babies while handling guns, handling babies and guns while drinking, keeping babies in shitty diapers, waiting for Mom to change shitty diapers, sharing

Oh, there are little nooks and crannies that are lovely. And you just can't beat New Mexico for its landscapes, food, and culture. It's just the overall political arena that plays out throughout the city and around the state that makes it tiresome.

Apparently, Decker's response to the question "when was the last time your son was fed" was something along the lines of "I dunno."

Driving drunk is not exactly what I would call a harmless night, regardless of who is in the car.

What I immediately pictured....

Good point, I see multiple lawsuits in their future instead of just respecting a mother's right.

Not in Albuquerque. If there is a news story involving a young child, odds are very high that the male adult involved is a boyfriend of a best friend, friend of the boyfriend of the mother, or the father of another child in the household. If there is a news story involving a standoff (at least twice a week), it is

Statement from Jennifer Goodall below (dated 07/26/2014, via Facebook):

"perform cesarean surgery on her "with or without [her] consent" if she came to the hospital."

That women should have a little respect for her Doctor, Her vaginal birth has a good chance of interfering with his golf game. Pregnant women are so selfish, they act like giving birth is all about them and their babies.

Yeezus! Are they just gonna full on make a law that women are much too stupid to be trusted with our own bodies and pregnancies?