
Lmao! I'm from the county so I can't say I'm surprised but... was she famous or something? What was wrong with her oven? (Maybe she doesn't like to clean turkey juice out of it. Hard times)

Well, Harvard already does most of these things. They offered to move her across campus, and they provide free medical appointments and counseling on an ongoing basis (for anyone, not just for sexual assault victims). Plus they'll work with you in changing academic arrangements if necessary (I'm sure they won't refund

Wait, what? Just all I live here there for you must let me use your oven. AND someone has to come here and let me in to use it, but I do not plan on compensating anyone for this? Wow.

Please tell me someone told her where to put her turkeys? Over the years I have worked in several Restaurants/bars and without exception, no outside food or drink would EVER have been allowed in the dining area forget about the kitchen - Birthday cake in bars being the only exception, only if you call ahead and ask,

My college roommate was from Westport. It wouldn't surprise me if this was her mother. Horrible people.

Ummm, 2% and homogenized are not mutually exclusive. It is very hard to buy non-homogenized milk in US supermarkets; all it means is that it's been put through a very fine-wire mesh to break up the fat globules, so that the cream and water don't separate. Even skim milk is homogenized, since it will still separate to

8 years going into Retail and Food service experience. One of my favorite stories is when I worked the grill at the local university. One of my favorite stories is the guy who ordered a Chilli Cheese dog.

I was a server in college. There was one woman who came in about once a month for dinner with family or friends. She would complain - without fail - after every meal and demand to see the manager. The manager would come, she'd complain, she'd get a comp. She was pretty legendary there after a while. We hated her with

I don't have any quite this funny, but one time I had a customer ask me how we cooked one of our fish dishes. I told her we seared it, and the conversation continued something like this:

That last one, "Last week she gave me an egg and asked me to scramble it," totally happened to me when I worked at Sonic in high school.

Oh man, food customers are the worst. I work in a bakery as a cake decorator which is the swirling vortex of dealing with regular food customers + brides + spoiled children. I've had customers act shocked when I told them buttercream contained milk and that cake does contain gluten. My worst idiots come from people

I've been looking for a place to put this, and this is as good as anywhere!

Five times a shift! Every damn night! They call, you get their delivery info, "so what kind of pizza would you like?" "Hang on. *muffled* hey, guys! Whadda we want? *fifteen minute arguement*

UGH. YES. My significant other's family is like this. They cannot for the life of them decide. His mother is just generally confused, his grandmother is mostly deaf and confused, his grandfather is mostly deaf and just cantankerous.


This isn't so much a story as a constant occurrence: people who don't know what "ready" means. Inevitably, the dialogue goes something like this.

I got so many questions about how many GeeBee's something had. Or one customer, and this is such a minor thing, but it drove me nuts, kept asking about how many Megabits it had, and no matter how many times I deliberately used the word Gigabytes instead to try and get him to realize he was saying the wrong thing, he

This. I love when people learn a new computer word and start randomly applying it to everything. "How much RAM does this one have? No, not how much memory, I'm want to know how much RAM it has?" (translation: I heard the word RAM in the context of being a good thing and now I am insisting on it)

The idiots survive by being loud and obnoxious until people start bending over backwards just to shut them up. The restaurant workers survive by being goddamned saints.

I agree. That line made the whole thing.