
I'm always impressed how animals can lose major parts of their body and/or major things like sight or hearing, and totally act like they didn't even notice and are still just super happy to be alive. Obviously not all animals bounce back so successfully, but I'm always touched by their complete live-in-the-moment

I know she is not liked much on here, but I like her.

Get into a conversation with him about fungi and I promise YOU WILL WISH HE WAS IMAGINARY.

If you're getting a Slurpee, are you really THAT concerned about making sure it's diet? Just make it half-Coke, half-cherry like a normal person.

Don't know if there is a history of drug abuse or mental illness. There is a history of physical abuse and neglect of the children as CPS had investigated this family previously.

Let's thank the attendance people or it could have been years. They are on their game like the mafia. Each day of school missed is lost money for the school. Trust me when I tell you they blow up your landline, your cell phone, your email, your neighbor's email (j/k on the last one). Actually, CPS should go

This story is so strange. Does the mother have a history of drug abuse or mental health issues? I just don't understand why anyone in their right mind would let their child go off with a stranger.

Jesus Christ what the fuck was her mother thinking? How do you hand off your kid to someone else? She should be charged as well.

Am I understanding this correctly, the mom basically gave her kid to the janitor and the only reason anyone even noticed is that eventually she missed too much school?

I approve of everything about this thread.

Also that Queen Elizabeth wishes "Cressida would tidy her hair a bit, but that's a generation thing."

You know I thought I was the only person who hates the terms we give our genitals (and I actually hate the word 'genitals' too).

Jennifer Aniston and the Kardashians are basically keeping these tabloids afloat, and they wonder they all 'obsess' over their faces. Team Kourtney's Kitty, y'all.

People don't like GOOP because she's a rich, white woman who never bothered with the 'aw shucks I'm just a small town girl with a dream' bullshit because it is bullshit. We live in a materialistic, celebrity obsessed, vapid culture and she was supplying demand. People are so, so happy she's getting divorced because it

She sounds almost hilariously out of touch when she speaks sometimes. But, frankly, I have friends like this. She reminds me of a typical well-educated, well-travelled, pretty chill, wealthy Californian. I realize she grew up both in CA and NYC but as a born and raised California girl I've always gotten the CA vibe

Agreed. The amount of vitriol thrown at this woman is unbelievable. Yes, she's rich, slim, blonde, beautiful and out of touch but so is most of Hollywood. She's not intentionally nasty and I'd say she's pretty harmless. It's not like she's ever pretended to be something she's not.

I'm not sure the vitriol directed at Paltrow has anything to do with her lifestyle guru thing, although it will be used as an excuse for hating on her.

I don't think a 10 year marriage is failure. They both live high pressure lives (even if the pressure is often created by their own hubris) and maybe they grew apart. Maybe they're different people now then they were 10 years ago and they don't relate the same way? Maybe they have different priorities and goals now.

What I never understood about people who get so riled up about Gwyeneth and her website is why not just assume "Oh, ok, this doesn't apply to me because it's too expensive" and then move on. Gwyeneth has money. I presume her website is geared to people with a lot of disposable income. Why is that such a big deal? Why