
She wasn't even the first. This brazilian woman faked she was pregnant with four, received a whole lotta media attention, including donations from all over the country. Later her husband discovered she was wearing a fake silicon belly.(!) Her pictures are the best .

A spokesperson for New York State's Board of Regents says they may revisit the way their 9th and 10th grade World History Frameworks treats female historical figures, after some folks expressed disappointment that of the 37 individuals mentioned by name, only one is a woman.

I say this with all the love I have for this family (read: lots and lots), but look at her sister, her mom, and her grandma. This is not disdain for a family vacation. This is hereditary RBF.

her lipstick is on point, but that eye makeup is some frosted nightmare straight out of my caboodle, age 10.

Agreed! She looks exhausted. Too much blusher. The dress is fabulous but her face looks off. Also, what's up with the facial expression in the first pic? It's like she's semi-surprised to see photographers there.

I don't think it's body snark but IMHO her makeup looks TERRIBLE. She's hot but it's making her look like she was up all night partying and then drunkenly overdid it.

After the shitty stuff she said about Dylan Farrow's letter and her decision to drop Oxfam for SodaStream, I'm surprised Jezebel is still drooling over her. She seems like a supremely shitty person.

Lady Gaga

As a female veteran, this burns me up. A lower enlisted member would probably be booted right the hell out with a dishonorable discharge and no pension, for starters. However, that also depends on the Command they're in. This is EXACTLY why Kirsten Gillibrand introduced legislation to remove authority over these

Yes LOL. Especially Benicio. I mean, homeboy had a baby by Kimberly Stewart. Having sex with Lindsay is not that far off, tbh.

"L'Wren Scott hates being referred to as Sir Mick Jagger's girlfriend and wants to be recognised for her own talent as a fashion designer"

Thank god you phrased it this way. Gawker has it phrased as Mick Jagger's Girlfriend, etc etc. Like that was her only accomplishment. Fucking annoying.

Something that will be outgrown and forgotten in 3 months, priced twice as high because of a little added tackiness? That brand-building company knows how to match a product to a client.

this dog is stunning and should be the new doge but better :-)