
I wonder if he knows he's a twat and is ok with it?

Listen up, Catalano. Some of us just fall down. We just do. So take your highlights and your reliable center of gravity and go piss on someone else's cornflakes.

Yeah, I've got to concur. She's doing what every other child of a rich or famous personality does and at least she seems to have a decent amount of ability for her chosen profession. She's hardly responsible for what the Kardashians have done in the past. Good for her, I say.

She should heretofore be called "Princeton Educated Rape Apologist" Susan Patton.

My god. It's like every bit of misogynistic, victim-blaming, fatphobic, gender essentialist bullshit part of our culture was coagulated through some black magic into a corporeal form. And then it wrote a goddamn book.

I would drown this woman in a bucket of Bloody Mary's before my 11am tee time at the Club and not even think twice.


Not just partly on her. Not just "may bear some responsibility" for what happens next. ALL on her.

"Additionally, if a woman dresses provocatively, drinks too much and then enters a male's room, whatever happens next is all on her."

I like it too. We can be bad feminists together.

The First Few Days After the Rape, I Was in a Painful Fog. I wish I had just texted or called my closest, most trusted friend to say " I was raped last night, and I am a mess and dont know what to do, can you help me?" It took me two days to text my best friend, and she texted back, " Do you want to come home?" and I

Frankly, the harder thing for me than being raped was dealing with my friends. I came out of it better, but fuck if I didn't have to cut a lot of shitheels loose.

Sooooo glad we aren't friends. I can't imagine saying to a friend who had just been raped "Look, I have a number for a therapist but I'm just not into talking about shit like that. Let's talk about my new sweater!"

I don't know if every town does this but around here they put together these 'joke' newspapers with a collection of all the recent mugshots, complete with extremely insulting captions and a ton of details about when the people were arrested and why. Every filling station has a pile of them for sale near the register.

I want all of them. Aaaannnddd, I want them to make one a peanut butter core.

This is my face right now.

The founder of CollegeHumor is, like, the writer of Bro Rape, right? (Am I wrong in associating those two things as happening at the same time?)

How the FUCK is this "weird and awesome" ????
This is the drug lord of a violent drug cartel. As an American of Mexican heritage, these drug cartels are the scourge of Mexico. They have taken a very rich and diverse country and in at least in a few regions have terrorized and killed hundreds of innocent people. All

Ugh. Nothing pisses me off more than all these stories about Mexican drug lords and the people who love them. There's an entire genre of music that glorifies narco culture, people who make a living by selling drugs and killing people. Fucking assholes, and they're praised as heroes. Gaddamn it is some fucked up shit.