Again, it just feels disingenuous when the only reason we're hearing about it is because of such a flimsy relation to video games.
Again, it just feels disingenuous when the only reason we're hearing about it is because of such a flimsy relation to video games.
It's amazing how fast technology advances in just a couple years. If they were unable to do it this year, who's to say they couldn't next year? The PS Vita does look extremely close to that kind of fidelity.
Yeah.. I've felt the same ever since they announced their lineup. However, the Nintendo faithful don't seem to care. They've been content to play with the same IPs for the last twenty years so I guess straight up remakes don't bother them either.
I'm in no way saying Kotaku is the only one to do this and I'm sure Luke feels for this child just as we all do, I'm just asking for Kotaku to re-evaluate its policy towards these kinds of stories. If there was more of a national scandal with FOX News blaming video games for this (which there could be, but as it…
Trust me, that isn't always the case. :)
I usually don't comment on these posts as I don't know what to say. What I say probably won't change anything and I'm sure I would be lost in the crowd of angry dissenters if I chose to go that route.
Not to mention it would SHAKE THE FUCK out of the screen.
"but I simply don't find playing inferior versions of games I have at home fun. By comparison, Nintendo's portable titles are often quite different from their home games, making them feel fresh and exciting despite often being from the same series or using old mechanics. Sony ends up feeling like a series of dull…
Those trigger buttons need to be fixed. Also, a little extra mass wouldn't kill anyone. I'm short with small hands (LOLL) and I have to cradle the damn thing.
I love two thirds of that controller. ;)
Goldwings made a good point, that a true COD on the Vita could make this thing a hit. If you get a true FPS, something that doesn't compromise in looks and performance where gamers can plop down and play a fifteen minute match anywhere? Well, you have a VERY appealing handheld.
It's not a terrible thing to say. It's smart. Just like people in Japan flocked to the PSP for Monster Hunter, people in the west tend to flock to CoD or other such games. If Sony can make that type of game work well for the Vita, then good on them. I don't care what other people are playing on the system, as long…
Also, porting over iGames to the vita would be huge. And, skype on 3G, if made affordable, could be a game changer. Kind of work it backwards against phones.
I dunno, I kind of wish they made an actual portable PS3, for actual playstation on the go. Just download your copy that you get with your PS3 game (like digital copies with blu-rays) or download it off the store and off you go. Of course you can't make it just digital as that failed but you get the beginning of my…
It was a joke.
Was he not? I lost interest in the game before he was anything besides cardboard.
I've always thought of it more like a mobster movie brought to life and there have been many of them made where the main character wasn't a complete ass. In fact, most them are likable. See, if they were talented and wanted to build a true character with depth he wouldn't just be a jackass but, just a flawed…
Are you in the public light? Do you find thinking and professional responsibility far too burdensome? Then join Twitter! Sure to relieve you of all your dignity and pride in no time.
You and I have differing opinions.