Fucking wet blanket. Go strangle the fun out of something else why don't yu?
Fucking wet blanket. Go strangle the fun out of something else why don't yu?
Never have I laughed so hard at a Kotaku title.
Eh, seeing as I have access to both Kinect and Move I'd rather this be made for the hardware which could handle it better. That, obviously being the Move. It makes me sad to see this game not reach its potential. Of course, I really haven't expected a heck of a lot from LucasArts in a long time.
I know how you feel man! I'm so fucking excited!!!!!
I'm sorry, but when they're served up on a platter it kind of draws the eye.
Someone loves Jedis, steampunk and roller-coasters . Well, someone who isn't me and makes good games. I approve.
Erhm, so it's being put on hold until they have something concrete to go off of? I don't know how they can be doing much work on this if they have no idea as to what they're working with.
Nope, I was right the first time. That Sony rep is annoying...
Yep. If the games are compelling enough I might just be forced to save for one. And by compelling I mean an experience that I absolutely can't get anywhere else. We'll see if Sony can deliver that.
Cheaper than I expected. I mean hell, after the PSP Go debacle I half expected this thing to cost at least $350. Good to see that Sony's learning.
I don't know, there's always been something off with this series' physics. Nothing seems to have any weight to it and it has always killed it for me. I know it seems like a bitchy thing to let get to you, but there it is.
I cannot wait! I used to have to run my xbox through my computer to play it online. Oh God, Blood gulch + pistol + lan party = Heaven.
I'm as excited as I can be for a game with a trailer that showed absolutely no gameplay. In short: hurray Insomniac!!
Yes, God forbid that gamers expected something for them from a gaming company at a gaming convention for gamers.
*Sigh* I think the reason a lot of people are upset is because they want something to genuinely be excited about, not something they have to force themselves to be excited for. Lets face it, the Kinect, while promising, has yet to really deliver a worthwhile experience and Microsoft isn't really doing much to change…
This is a problem for me in EVERY shooter. I swear to God, kids who play shooters are only interested in doing the most basic thing, over and over and over and over and over again. And that thing is shooting someone in the face. It doesn't matter if the other team has our flag, my teammate is too worried about…
Guys, he admits to knowing next to nothing about the subject, bitches about said subject and we promote and feed said troll? For shame. Let this ignorant tool (Mark Whalberg is that you?) go on his way.
I've gotta be honest. This news really turns me on.
You give her the old in and out?
Should change that name to SandyUterus.