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    ...touché, I should have clicked on the quote. I apologise.

    Unless you can magic me a new computer, the fact it's on Frostbite 2 is not a selling point for me.

    With due respect I am unsure which rock you are living under to believe that TNG is not as recognized as the original, or even moreso.

    It is quite possible I am wrong. Either way I won't be buying it. C&C is a tarnished brand with far too much in the way of shit connected to it.

    The team is new, the people within it are not - the word is that a good chunk of the new team actually worked on the original Generals (and were not involved in the last couple C&C games).

    Your first mistake was believing IGN ;)

    It is a good game.

    I'm pretty sure most of these were in Owen's list post on the weekend.

    Last I checked, a former Unreal Engine dev started working with them and the engine is being sold about, but that was some time near the start of the year.

    They don't need it, they are selling licenses for their engine to keep them going.

    FXAA is the thing that makes videogames look much smoother, but is often added onto PC ports last minute in the age of cheap transfers - often with terrible results.

    Awesome. Thank's for the heads up!

    I'm not expecting them to, but if they don't release a patch (or cheap DLC) for the Steam version to update it I will be an unhappy bunny.

    The symptoms reported in the original articles about this bug include the game getting laggier the more they play in one sitting - but being fine, after a restart of the console, for another couple of hours.

    So it took them how long to admit it's a memory leak?

    Unsure about the rest as I'm still making my way through the comments, but personally I thank you for actually reviewing it, faults and all, rather than gushing over the experience like a slobbering mastiff after a steak.

    Now playing

    Like Johnny Cash's version of NIN's "Hurt", José González cover of Heartbeats will always be more famous than the original by The Knife.

    You need a US bank account, sadly.

    I'm aware that there are, but most of them do not get the traffic that Kickstarter does.

    Actually as it's Ubisoft, people probably wouldn't buy it. That DRM, after all...