
All the good camping chairs I have had always end up getting holes in them from embers/fires popping. Luckily they seem to always hit when you are NOT there - but they leave nasty holes. The synthetic materials handle it better, since it more or less cauterizes the wound as it makes it and the hole doesn't spread

Hampton Bay = Ceiling fans (pretty sure).

Total aside, but what's the 'zzy' deal in rappers/hip-hop artists names? Breezy, Dreezy, whatevereezy.

I have a pretty even spread between men and women in my 'groups' I run with. There are lots of funny folks, most people don't really know they are funny - they are funny unintentionally, I guess you could say. I have noticed though that the one or two female friends that are really, really funny (to me) stand out.

I work with a guy named Lindy. Just sayin'.

I am confused by all the snark as well. Esquire (however they are marketing it) are merely adding to the larger pool of written material. They are not taking something away from women nor putting down what is out there by/for women.

Exactly. The part that sticks in the wall is all fine and dandy (can't say I have had too many bricks of any brand/type fail anyway) but the part that actually connects to the phone doesn't last long at all. I think it's the 'soft touch' material. I have 3rd party connectors that hold up better but they are stiff and


Ironically, this one now focuses faster than an assembled X100!

I think these men are like many men (or women) that are into something SO MUCH that it consumes their lives. Hobbies, hunting, bashing liberals, even exercise. I think these men in particular are having an even harder time because they are probably valuing themselves on whether or not they can 'score'. Assuming that

I have always thought of the high-end fashion/fashion designer world as giant auto trade-show. Sure the Ford prototype with 8 wheels and a Starbucks in the trunk is cool, but you will only really see bits and pieces of those design/tech elements in real-world products down the road. Also, most these people are total

This explains why the pieces I have from that era are holding up like champs. It's the Teutonic engineering!

There was an increase in testicular cancer (maybe problems in women officers too, not sure) in police officers that rested the radar gun on their laps while sitting on the side of the road. Now the actual radar component is mounted on the dash away from the body.

It won't be the battery, but the outgoing cellular/wifi signal of an iPod/iPhone/phone that will get you. I thought the same thing, about the breast cancer increase. It will end up being like 'The Jerk' where these two students will spend the rest of their lives writing out checks for $1.33 because they lost a class


I think a hip-hop/rap artist doing covers of all the nonsensical lyrics in a Bon Iver or Band of Horses song would even things out. Music lyrics, out of the original context, can sound pretty silly. Taking a song and purposefully performing it to make fun of it (but not in the Weird Al, et al parody sense) just

I have liked Lindy's stuff so far (mostly hilarious) but this one was bit of a reach. But maybe I live in a bubble because I don't smoke American Spirits, ride a fixie, drink PBR and do other ironic things (like ironic racism??).

Well, I apologize if you felt I was being hostile. That's not my intention. I took offense (and still do) to the idea that it's a one way conversation.

It's a neat area. I was there last year, passing through. The museum is cool (not sure how close it is to this road, but it's along the river): []

This doc on a child paparazzo was pretty interesting: