
"Just stay out of it." seems exclusionary, that's all I am saying. It seems the opposite of a discussion. What you really mean is that blacks, and blacks alone, can tell (lecture) everyone else. Your statement is definitive and I will acknowledge the point you are making. Only someone that deals with the word on a

I like what you are saying and I have never thought of it (completely) in the context you are putting it in. But, I do have issues with:

James, get back to work.



I have noticed that friends that have picked up nicer Sony Bravia TV's have this framerate/smoothness problem. My uncle didn't notice it, but I did and the 'younger' folks did. It almost looked like papercraft, old-school South Park - where the primary object (DoF is probably causing this) almost looked super imposed

Watch Food, Inc (Netflix) and get back to us on Monsanto. I don't think individuals that work there are 'evil' but you mix the science, patent attorneys and the drive for profits together and you get some pretty messed up shit.

In a 35 foot radius, in this office I have:

Thank you for the explanation. I remember the Disney cartoon/live movie, but you explain the larger meaning - which I never really understood.

Nick should share Lindy with the other properties. Seriously.

I am confused on the 'baby' part. Is that what you say (in the South I guess?), hopefully as a non-offensive, folksy metaphor? Or do you really say, 'you got yourself in a real tar trap there!' and she said 'baby' instead of trap?

They don't make as much, no. Though they can work longer. A relative is working in his 40's (we can walk through any grocer in America and I can point him out on at least two packages) but his wife no longer models... just too old. He often is in shoots with women 20 years younger than he is.

Sadly, I have come to trust you nerds for advice. I did look it up and the reviews on Amazon are pretty good. It's an abandoned project, which isn't the best - but not the worst thing either. Echos of my exit review with my HS guidance counselor.

Come on, the facts just cloud up the narrative.

Anyone know if that Laser Tag gear is 'decent'? Think it might be good to take to the lake, the park and such for the little cousins (and the big cousin too).

Instagram working on a movie app?

Shouldn't we all just be glad that a pretty, 20-something, white female has a job that doesn't involve Lena Dunham?

Cool. Thanks for the link. I like Kickstarter projects like this. Looked at the Nike Fuelband - no GPS sucks. Thought out doing a Nano as watch thing for music/watch but the expandability of the Pebble is intriguing... placed an order for a black one.

The public's fascination with the bands/groups is what Bobman is referencing. Its always the same, something else will come along after Beiber.

My original comment was more of a tongue in cheek thing... but oh well. Yes, people are inherently complex and our various affinities are infinite.