
Anyone interested in this sort of thing, here are a couple good resources:

Just a hunch here, but John Woo is gonna be pissed!

Make a mobile out of it. Put in LEDs or something and hang it from the ceiling in a kid's (or adults!) room.

This is what you need. Runs on your phone, ties into Nest's service and when you get in an approximate area (you can scale the area) the thermostat does something. In our case we have it kick on. So it runs for a good 5 mins or more before we get home.

I think you are right. The camera is queued up and 'taking a picture' - the system has a shutter overlaid on top of the camera's lens which opens and closes. Probably hard to interact with various cameras/brands - this would be more universal.

I think so. The phrase is 'get down to brass tacks' which I always thought meant to get down to it.

1) There was a lack of women's (ahem, people's) concerns discussed in the last debate: healthcare, education, etc - all the things the matter (LOTS of things matter, btw) that are mentioned by Ms. Ryan. Those things need some discussion (and they are things that the Dems can lead on and win on... Obama needs to raise

How much does Gawker donate to breast cancer orgs?

Speaking of 'mountains out of molehills...' have you searched for Mt. Rainier on iOS6 yet? Takes you to a molehill in Des Moines...

I see what you did, there.

Not a huge reality TV watcher, but I have been watching Breaking Amish on TLC the last couple weeks. It's pretty interesting.

OnOne FocalPoint 2. Just fake it later, it's easier.

Too far gone for us, on the corporate side. I can see the phones working for individuals, much like IOS, Android and Windows does now and the user can just tie in to the Exchange system. However, if BB is expecting everyone to get BB10 servers fired up and pay lic. fees and such just for the 'honor' of using BB then

We sort of gave up. It's pretty much just BYOD with a few straggling BB users. The BB server is about 1 (high-up) user away from getting the ax all together. Honestly, it was so much work to manage all the time. Granted, we were that efficient at it - but people want their Androids and iPhones now anyway so it doesn't

Very cool! We done, Etsy person.

The current Seattle Where mag (King Tut or whatever on the cover) is doing the same thing... I asked my mom, 'So, reading Seattle Whore now, are we?'.

Ha! No shit. They always act like those are the most precious things. "Hm, 3rd string linebacker from the '01 Patriots? I'll take it!"

Confused by the Super Bowl rings reference. The winning team all gets them, as does periphery staff, owners, snot-nosed grandchildren of owners, etc (from what I understand). That's a lot of people over, what is it, 35 Super Bowls?

It wouldn't even cross my mind to 'rent' or buy a movie from say, Amazon or iTunes - but I mindlessly pay for and (occasionally) watch the streaming only Netflix. I think the mental hurdle for me is that $2 (?) to rent a TV show or something from iTunes is hard to swallow when I get a whole slew of options for a

SOMEBODY could use a hug! Wait, that's the last thing you want...