
Oh yes, look at that. I had only used UP to maximize but I see now that if you’re already pinned to the side (via LEFT or RIGHT), doing UP or DOWN will make it a quadrant. That’s pretty neat

Plus on Win10 you can do UP and DOWN to divide the screen into quadrants

Eh, I disagree; my dual monitor setup for work really works for me. I frequently need to have multiple windows open, and some of the software I use appears to be designed for use on a widescreen monitor, so fitting multiple applications on screen at once would be inconvenient, and switching between 2-4 applications

I think it really depends on what you are doing. If you are just coding and can do without reference, then one monitor is all good.

I can here for this, but you already did it better than I would have.

I call BS on this one. It’s not about having multiple monitors; it’s about having enough information visible at any one time. Multiple monitors at $100/each is the least expensive route compared to a UHD monitor with enough screen real estate to see everything you need at one time.

but found its width encouraged the time-wasting habit of repeatedly fiddling with window sizes to fit multiple apps on a single screen

It sounds like it’s not the number of monitors you use but the multitasking that’s the problem.

You’ll get my 3 monitor development setup when you pry my cold, dead eyes off it.

That’s a great idea! It’s actually a trivial change to lines 6 and 11 of the original code, but I’ve changed it to include an automatic for those who, like me, had previously setup the previous one.

"Commuting to college is just as good as living there."

That if I didn't understand recursion initially I shouldn't be Comp Sys/Comp Sci.

The question isn't which is better...the question is which is better for me? Both are polished operating systems with large user bases. For me, Android is is why.