The Terminator

Isn't greed what got us into this climate mess in the first place?

There's a video of Angry Steroid Man's wife, too:

Notice how the police never show up? I can imagine the call, "We've got a motorist and cyclist in a screaming match on Oak Street by the park." Response, "Rigghttt... sorry we've got actual police work to do."

Fuck everybody!

4. Steamtopia: We've used up all the oil and have to use steam engines for transportation. Oh yeah, and lots of 19th century/Post Modern Industrial outfits.

Thanks for the short notice :(

And after your space flight you can use it to make alcohol.

"Colonial?" How quaint. I hope you're not including the United States of America since we are not, and have not been a colony since 1776. Or do the poppies not include the lives of Americans lost to save Great Britain and France?

The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.

As excited as I am about sending a probe to Europa, I think I've seen more excitement on the Ice Fishing Network. And that music? Way over the top.

This is your brain... Cue napalm... This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?

I can't wait until 3D icons are back en vogue again. Geez WWDC's are shaping up more like a clothing line showing off it's new fall collection on the runway. All fashion, little of substance.

Welcome back to OS 7.5

Now playing

My personal favorite answer to this question is, "Why would we want to talk to meat?"

That's like saying Red Dawn (the original) is possibly one of the closest things to a true Russian invasion of the US.

The rider, identified in comments as Justin McTamney, reportedly suffered a collapsed lung, a broken scapula and at least four broken vertebrates. In spite of this, Justin is said to be planning on returning to racing soon.

I live in Los Angeles and am also, "preoccupied" with the paradox of "The World We Live In" vs. "The World That Should Be". While it's impractical to go back in time and change current events (thus eliminating your own existence or that of Britney Spears, for all you know) I've been obsessed with this idea since I

What size socket do I need for that?!?!

While the models are being pranked, the truth of the situation is no joke. I am a man of limited means, supporting a wife and child of my own and I found it in my heart to donate. Won't you, instead of trying to be clever in your posting? I'd much rather see postings saying, "donated" rather than a box of rocks.