The Terminator

Clearly influenced by, "2001, A Space Odyssey."

This thing is sick! I'd buy it in a heartbeat!

I'd of been much more impressed if the bought you a bag of weed. But, I guess NY isn't ready for that yet. San Francisco, maybe?

Try telling that to a 6 year-old.

I kept waiting for the part where Mario jumped down a pipe.

I'd like to know how much a ticket to Disneyland cost back then as opposed to now. Given the current cost of park tickets, you would think parking would be free, but even that costs more than what should be considered reasonable. IMHO, Disney represents everything thats wrong with Corporate America; a friendly,

I live in Los Angeles (AKA Traffic Capital USA) and have seen biking grow tremendously over the years here. However, LA is still one of the most dangerous cities to bike in and the local municipalities have been very slow to adopt an adequate number of bike lanes or grant funds to encourage biking over driving.

Mmmmmm... How I just love bike porn!

No reflectors, no lights, nor do I see any brakes. This is not a good example of proper bike safety.

Please! Help me escape!!!

Hello?!?! It was the VISIGOTHS!!!

Given how the HST is able to still give us so many great insights into our universe (in this case it may be old data), I feel as though its usefulness is far from over. Isn't there some way we can keep it in service?

As individuals, it's hard for us to address homelessness. We feel ashamed at our own selfish behavior for not helping, and thus ignore them. I think it hurts most all of us on some level to see another human being suffering, alone and forgotten. So we become callous as well, "I can't give money to every homeless

Should be ready for deployment in 2040.

Karan S'jet, anyone?

Yes! Now all I need is a way to mount it on my pellet rifle (duct tape) and it's sayonara for good tree rats! Yippie ki yay mother fu*kers!!!

I find comments that attack cyclists to be a very cynical point of view considering that drivers are surrounded by a ton of steel and a cyclist isn't. Not to mention that their a human being just like you or me. I'm not saying that there aren't cyclists out there who do dumb things, but to categorically lump them

If the scientists hadn't observed how long the qbits lasted, would that have changed the result?

I can't think of anything more sad in American history. Yes, there are many other tragedies that have occurred before and since, but I often wonder what the world would be like today if this horrible event never took place. That's the America I wish I lived in.

I recently read an article about all the crap corporate breweries put in their beer so as to maximize profits. There are no laws (in the United States, at least) that require breweries label any of the ingredients, purity or byproducts used. As a result, I'm much more aware of what beer I buy and drink.