The Terminator

Why didn't anyone think to put a lampshade on that fucker in all those years? What is this Willy Loman's house?

Arguably one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's keen insight into the base male traits that are repressed in our modern "androgynous" world is one that, IMHO still causes great harm because most men have no outlet for it (video games don't count because they don't hit back).

The current drought is far from over, so we have yet to see if it becomes the worst on record.

I'm sorry to hear of your losses, Annalee. Stay strong. I do know how hard it must be for you to accept the passing of your father and friend in such an untimely way, but you are alive! Please cherish that always. If the melancholy your father had runs in the family, please do something to guard yourself against

Is it really a dream of yours to see human suffering and tragedy? What if it was your city, your friends (assuming you have any) or your family? If you really believe this way, then there's a name for you, "Sociopath" and you need to seek professional help.

Science is messy.

Sequel? What could possibly go wrong?

Meee Yowww!

Sad not to see the ships from Space 1999 included. Call me sentimental.

Where on AT&T's site does it show this?

One where it rains donuts? Absolutely!

Seriously? Are you writing articles for 6 year-old's now?

Forget about where I parked my car, I need help finding my keys more often!

Price points like this are ridiculous. Plus that lamp looks like the cheap crap you get at Ikea for $15.00

Internet in the middle of Greenland?

A deal breaker for me would be a non-replacable battery. Unlike mobile phones, watches are meant to last the test of time (no pun intended) as they represent fashion and have a nostalgic appeal. They're not meant to be thrown out with every new iteration.

Gunpowder was used only for fireworks when originally invented and had no other known practical application. Keep that in mind as you shoot yourself. Science is education.

Now that's what I call a reusable space vehicle. Take note, NASA.

And in 1949 George Orwell wrote "1984" which, though fiction, predicted many of the current political realities we are now living. How come Gizmodo doesn't mention that?