The Terminator

OR... how about yawning to tell yourself that it's time to go the F to sleep?!?!

Some how reading this while drinking a Sam Adams Lager made it taste like shit.

You know, this would have never happened if the housewife had not been so lazy and worked faster.

I'd like to see how well body armor works on a headshot.

I wonder if that would work with sharks... guess I'm going to the aquarium tomorrow.

Does this mean I can't login with the username "" anymore?

Looks scratchy.

Does that mean all the proto-solarsystems being incubated in the nebula will/are destroyed as well?

Because we live in a free society that allows us to call BS on people that try to rewrite history. Even if that history happened a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Printers?!?! I think we just discovered that Kodak's real problem is its current brain trust.

Forget that! I see a series of craters that looks exactly like the paw print of a platypus! Coincidence? I think not.

Done and done, my friend.

I think that's what string theory is supposed to be; the smallest bits of matter. What is so crazy about strings though, is that if an atom was the size of our solar system, a string would be the size of a tree on earth. I think that was in the "Elegant Universe" series on PBS.

"Shooting Challenge: Rule the Thirds"

What I've never quite understood is how we are able to see galaxies from so far ago. I get that it took 13 billion years for the light to reach us, but does that mean our universe already expanded to its present size (relatively speaking) 13 billion years ago? In other words, is there a point where we will simply

I stopped shopping at Best Buy in favor of Amazon years ago. Their prices are the worst!

Hey, douchebag... Seek therapy.

Amazing!!! This must mean China now has the technology to simulate the moon's surface inside a giant warehouse. They have come so far.

Now we know the real reason why phones have a vibrate mode.

How does HEARING Vangelis and sound bites from Blade Runner, make this LOOK like Blade Runner? I didn't see any flying cars with lens flares pass by, dirigibles with advertisements, or large monolithic buildings under a stormy sky while plumes of flame belch towards the heavens in protest. It's very pretty, but it's