@OMG! Ponies!: I'm only interested in Beatles songs that contain either the word "you" or "Octopus".
@OMG! Ponies!: I'm only interested in Beatles songs that contain either the word "you" or "Octopus".
BFD considering everyone who likes the Beatles enough to put them in their iTunes library has already done so.
iTunes rose from the ashes of the RIAA lawsuits. Its war to exterminate all pirated music had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be fought in the future. It would be fought here, in our present. Tomorrow...
@OMG! Ponies!: You forgot your own birthday!
@Darth Meow 504: Too bad she's the "Smile Officer" for Foxconn.
What a bunch of BS this is. Did you have unrestricted access to Foxconn and their employees? Or were you chaperoned during the entirety of your visit?
Soda Can:
@mumin: It's clearly an ill-tempered sea bass.
@webdevmike: LOL!
Article should have just been titled: "Gene Simons Doesn't Understand".
I'd like Giz write an in-depth article as to why we haven't seen any of these "purported" clean energy technologies make it to market.
Looks like he's firing a Glock G22 .40 and that's a pretty powerful handgun, so I call BS, too.
@pezeveng319: Right! Same thing here.
How did they get the midget from "Twin Peaks" to do the narration in the video?
@Rasselas: Actually, there's an episode where their family comes over and they cook an awesome Italian feast. Say what you will about them, but they know good Italian cooking ;)
@leGodt: So, how would legalization change the situation as it exists already? Given that the "stoners" are already "abusing" pot, as you say. Also, are they the only people you know who get stoned? Are they they the standard for all pot smokers? Do you view people who drink alcohol to be abusing it, too?
I'm voting in favor of Prop 19 and I don't even smoke. I think the fear of legalization is a carefully fabricated fiction by special interest groups. Beyond that, it's my life and I can do what I please. Also, keep in mind that a large portion of the tax revenue would go towards educational funding and anti-drug…
If you live in the Los Angeles area, you can drive north on the 5 fwy to Mt. Piños. It's at the top of the Grapevine and on every Saturday of the month after a new moon, between 25-50 people gather with their telescopes in the parking area. It's well worth the trip.
Isn't there some proverb about when you're enemies openly plot against you?
So, does upgrading mean going from cardboard to plastic?