The Terminator

Isn't the fact that the site is an irradiated zone of death reason enough to not trespass?

That guy has:


LCD Display? Really?

@NotEuroTrash: Wait, I can pick-up hot college girls with an iPad? I thought I needed a Porsche for that?

I'd love to see the specs between the first iMac and the current one... and a MacPro.

Soylent Green is people.

I can't wait until they release Angry Birds for Kinect.

@LetsTryThisAgain: What's the deal with deals anyway? I got a deal on a used couch once. Then I analyzed the stains on it, deduced that I would be sitting on those stains and sat on the floor.

@Killjoy: It is likely to be eaten by a grue.

The cake is a lie!!!

I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that a consulting group like Accenture created that PowerPoint Slide and that they used MS Project to do it, too.

Save yourself the trouble and just get a wireless RF adapter. There are inexpensive models (around $50-$100) that work very well for this purpose.

What? No "Back to the Future"?

Don't panic!

You mean something that Windows Media Center has had for the past year for free?

Meh. How about none of the above.