Okay, wait. You guys. Wait. I've got it. Bear with me, here, 'cause I'm gonna blow your hair back.
Okay, wait. You guys. Wait. I've got it. Bear with me, here, 'cause I'm gonna blow your hair back.
Breillat would have kept the tampon scene, and made tea with it.
Yeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss. With extra tight shots of that "mike cord" that was in his pocket during filming that one time.
If Shyamalan directed, would the series-ending twist be that Grey was the slave all along? That whatsername was really the Devil conning him out of his soul????
I will see the 2nd FSOG movie if it is a one-man interpretive cinematic experience with Idris Elba in all roles, written, directed, edited, and production designed by Idris Elba.
David Lynch. Awww yeah.
I don't think you can blame someone not knowing that the sun moves across the sky on the education system.
Or to the ion that moves across its channels to keep her heart beating. Just for instance. People are ridiculous.
Or have her muscles function.
Now, now - think how hard it must be for this stupid woman to be allergic to her own bones!
I dunno - you could claim that you once ate George Clooney or Angelina Jolie and it wouldn't be a lie.
One major point that seems to have been missed: mid-fight, when Carl tries to stop Rick, Rick shoves him off, momentarily becoming the abuser himself. It's a key point showing that this isn't about domestic abuse for Rick, but control.
My family had a health food store when I was growing up, we always ate very healthy in my house. One Thanksgiving my father prepared an absolutely delicious dinner with all of the traditional trappings, turkey and sweet potatoes and rolls and fresh cranberry sauce etc etc. One of his brothers showed up with his wife…
I used to think it was chocolate bread when I was a little kid. Oh, the disappointment.
Oh dear god... let's just get it ALL right out into the open, shall we...
I'll try to be brief here. I got this story second hand, but I think you'll like it. Your story of "the note" reminded me of it:
You're a damn good mom. It's insane what he did but you can raise your kids without his evil input.
College, I was dating a douche y Navy ROTC dude who lived in his frat house. He bailed on a date night with me because he was "sick," so being a dutiful girlfriend, I took some chicken noodle soup over to the frat house. Walk in, walk up to his room, and there he is, banging some rando chick. I hurled the soup at…
99% of men who run bare-chested really ought not run bare-chested. Too many components work against you: chest hair, moobishness, or other parts of you that jiggle when you run that look rock-solid when you are standing looking at yourself in the mirror. Consider what you're subjecting others to when you're a sweaty…