Yeah if this was true then I'd be super-model skinny. I live in the south where there is heat and humidity aplenty and I'm still fat and proud.
Yeah if this was true then I'd be super-model skinny. I live in the south where there is heat and humidity aplenty and I'm still fat and proud.
I'm more disgusted that people consider it dancing. Pop music sucks. Beyonce isn't dancing. People who think it's great and awesome have no taste and are stupid.
This is actually kind of disgusting. I'm tired of people worshiping women for their sexual prowess. It's not empowering and is actually detrimental. But then again most of the popular artists today can't truly sing or dance and most music fans don't give a shit. Grinding your ass on everything isn't dancing. It's…
No, you certainly aren't alone.
Wow. A white/cis/hetero savior. Color me shocked. I don't think Macklemore is this awesome person everyone is making him out to be. I'm just going to leave this link here and I suggest everyone read it as it articulates some thoughts from someone who is more affected by this than I ever could be:…
And that's great but not everyone can use hormonal birth control, so...
LOL. Is anyone surprised that a mega corporation like Coke is still doing this? They don't care about gay people. They care about their bottom line.
The Pirate Bay doesn't have any boundaries. I can download whatever I want no matter where I am. *Pick up mic and throws it at your head*
I have so much contempt for Breaking Bad, Dr. Who and Sherlock fans for this very reason. I couldn't even get through one season of Breaking Bad, Dr. Who sucks and Benedict Cumberbatch is a shitty actor. Fuck all those shows and their idiot fan bases.
Degree antiperspirant is my best friend during the hot months. I don't need something that's supposedly specifically for underboob sweat and probably costs way more than what I already use.
And this is why I don't drink it. And no - you don't get to fuck me. Soda is seriously nasty and bad for you. I won't shed a tear about Coca-Cola being shut down (though I doubt it'll happen) because they are a horrible company.
Despite the naysayers I do see this as good news. I don't mind kids but I don't want them. I used to want children but when I got married and severed ties with certain religious asshole family members I realized that I didn't want to have children and that my desire for them was drilled into my head by said religious…
There's an extension called "Unbaby Me" that will filter out baby photos or something. I have not used it because not many of my friends post baby photos so I don't mind the ones that do pop up.
This is the douchiest comment. Is this all you're worried about? Stop being a shit-stirring idiot. This is nothing compared to what Jamie X went through.
And again another study with a small sampling or little research.
Jesus Hector Christ. Shut the fuck up. Russian citizens are not granted the right to NOT associate with certain groups. You lack of understanding is pathetic.
The books sucked and I didn't think the sex scenes were that great. The books are shit. The movies will be shit. People who like the books are stupid.
That was better than the movie.
Since the reply button appears to be broken this is for AlexisNasyaP
People need to stop being afraid of dirt and germs. You build up resistance and thus have a greater immune system. If you're wondering why you keep getting sick despite slathering hand sanitizer on your fingers all day it's because you aren't letting your body fight them off.