
Meyer wrote a version of Twilight from Edward's perspective. She gave copies to certain people and someone released it online. She got butt-hurt and decided she wasn't going to publish it. It is suspected that Robert Pattinson was the one that leaked it because he hates Twilight.

*Sir* Ian McKellan. Just FYI. Guess you so-called writers haven't learned about research yet.

I'll be skipping this movie. It looks awful and I'll be giving the side-eye to anyone who thinks this crap is good.

I hope that girl's parents can afford to move because there's no way she'll be left alone now.


Fuck off and die you stupid troll.

Knee-jerk much? I left the church years ago and I'm angry about the child molestation but you're just being vulgar and confirming the stereotype of the ANGRY MAN-HATING FEMINIST.

So, despite the numerous red flags, she still went ahead and slept with him?

1) Taylor Swift sucks and everyone is tired of her awful music and bullshit dramas. She's an idiot.

Goddamn the headlines have glaring errors on this site. You're a bad writer.

Totally read these. There's a finale out, too. I read it and it's kind of meh but I was glad to see a conclusion.

I'm with you. I did what I wanted to do not what I was "supposed" to do. I'm doing fine for 32.

This would be so awesome if it holds.

Literally everyone has bad moments. So why is Ms. Hathaway's a big deal?

Oh, my a 10 year old joke that you didn't even write! How clever! As for your ignorance, do you really not understand that a vagina shrinks after a woman gives birth?

Fuckin' A!

Same here!

Poor dog. :(

This type of baby boom was seen in New Orleans after Katrina.

Not enough O_O in the world for this. Society has its darker elements for sure.