
They both suck. And lately, country has shifted more towards a more pop sound so I agree with DuchessODork.

WAAA! WAAA! My friend loves her baby more than me!!!! WAAA! WAAA! How DARE she?

Almost makes me wish I still used Twitter. Almost.

It really depends on what you and your partner agree on. I know people who have been monogamous all through their marriages and my husband and I practice monogamy.

So some girl killed herself. So what? The only reason this is being reported on is because she was a young white woman in the prime of her life. This is not an issue that affects my life.


At least I'll die happy. Nothing like southern food and I'm glad I live here and I don't have to worry about bland food that's served in pretentious restaurants by chefs who probably add their own special sauce.

Tina Brown is 100% correct. If you look up to RiRi (stupid ass nickname, BTW) you're doing it wrong.

Thanks for recapping a stupid TV show that only idiots will enjoy. Looks like it'll appeal to the same group that Sex and the City did. That is to say, people with bad taste.

See-through dresses are stupid and trashy looking. I don't care who designed it or who's wearing it.

Why would anyone eat there?

Your writing is full of hilarity as always.

FYI - insurance covers Viagara and other dick pills. That's optional.

If you criticize others for shaving or not, you're a fucking bitch/fucking asshole. Full Stop.

Why the fuck would anyone drink diet soda? Shit is nasty on top of being bad for you.

I'm totally going to purchase and read this since I enjoyed the first two.

Shows how much I pay attention. Up until I read this, I thought Blake Lively was a man. I've never actually Googled her or seen anything she's been in.

Well, she does have a point - what is Obama doing about mental health care?

Thin doesn't always equal healthy. I'm more likely to think a thin person suffers from anorexia.

I listen to classical music when working out.