
Finally!!!!! amazon echo had this since day one, but now I’m getting closer to kicking the echo to the side. I will probably just keep an echo dot around.

Anytime Amazon misses a guaranteed delivery date you contact them to complain and they give you an extra month of amazon prime.

I love how Sony goes through the door effortlessly without it touching lol. 

That’s a relief, I thought you were going to say the meat comes straight out of a dog food can.

Good thing he unequipped his Master sword just in time.

No the garden hose won’t be enough. You’ll need to use a flamethrower just make sure not to burn your house down, but if the house does burn down that’s fine because it will guarantee the spider is dead.

I used it once and did nothing lol.

This movie is 2 parts, The adulthood part is for the it

Microsoft Word All Day!....All Day!

Is he speaking Kylo Ren?

“I am the God of lighting”... wait is Jane Foster Black? lol

I guarantee this will be pushed to December like all the last Star wars movies.

Yes do that! I watched the subbed online but it releases in the states in select theaters on April 7th so I’m going to see it again then too.

Came in here to comment on the same exact “thing”.

The key is to be so subtle with the “Hey There”

“And then Mara gets out of water not wet, there’s a bunch..”

I’m calling Bull on some of this story becuase of this line: “Since Amazon only allowed the Howells to return four of the 13 items”... I’m an avid amazon shopper and you can basically return anything within the 30 day window and during the holiday season that window is longer.

Someone needs to book Mike Fahey a plane to the Philippines STAT!!!

The conversion rate of the US dollar to joy sounds like it could be a Black Mirror episode. A Black Mirror episode on Netflix that is.

I think cerny should start a ASMR twitch channel lol.